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Today it happened


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Today after an overnight stint I at last got the Juice break avvie. I played it a few days ago and got the necessary score but got the problem processing the score message but after several hours of zen mode I at last got the avatar. Don't look for me in the juice break game room cause it will be a lllllllooooooooong time before I go there. I am off to bathe and massage my wrist now...lol

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Another one who got the Meepit Juice Break avatar in Zen Mode, congrats Barkie. It's not easy to do it Zen Mode by the way, since it's not really recommended in any way due to spending 10 to 11 hours on the computer.

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I don't know how you stuck it out TWICE!!


That game is evil! :evil:


Actually it's the third time I have reached the avvie score in Zen Mode First time I somehow got logged off Neopets without knowing till I went to send my score....second time the message came up that there was a problem sending score and thank goodness this time every thing worked fine....I cannot start till 7.15 p.m my time as that is the start of the new day NST so I lose several hours asleep and unless I leave the game loaded then start early the next day(my time) I cannot get the time needed before the day changes NST....That sounds as clear as mud doesn't it but I have learned to juggle my computer time around the time zone differences for we Australians. I do find that the new Lenny Conundrums are posted during Australias sleeping hours so that makes it hard to get into the early entries.....

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I'd like to get the avvie, but I know the only way that's possible is on zen mode. Really not looking forward to that >.>


I remember getting the high score on Berry Bash. It took HOURS and I felt like a mess afterwards. Probably going to be a similar experience @______@

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Congratulations!! It's tough!!! Must have been super annoying for the scores not to send, I don't think I'd be able to look at a Meepit ever again if that happened to me D: Well done for persevering! I'm preparing myself to go for it again on my new account :P

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