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so I was on the Treasure Keepers Board, and I made a topic asking is anyone else was glitching (before they updated TK, glitch slorg was raging around) and I said it was a bit tedious, and low and behold... I get a warning from TNT :/

Although the email says:

"Hi! We saw your post and want to point you in the right direction to get it taken care of. Please contact our Support department by opening up a ticket at: http://www.neopets.com/help.phtml"



did that reeeeally warrant a warning? >___< I did send them a ticket about the warning but you can't access the 'my support' to see what's going on with it and ughh...

(I did mention to them in the ticket that there was no option in the ticket sending about complaining about TK, and the TK support was down on that day)

Anyone else had really silly warnings/silencings?

Is TNT getting like, mega strict? :(

Guest gabbyrahwr

Wow, that's ridiculous. Maybe it was your wording. I've known people to be warned for trash-talking spiders though, so they really aren't strict with warnings.


You're kidding me!

I've been on and off with this account since I had it, and I can't remember how many warnings I have or haven't had... scared to breathe on there now :(


Actually, you're not technically supposed to talk about glitches and problems on the boards at all. If you have a problem, you are supposed to send in a ticket and be done with it. I'm not saying you were trying to start trouble but a lot of people who start boards about glitches and other technical issues tend to do it to create drama or that is the end result anyway. So for as a way to make life more pleasant for everyone, they just warn anyone and everyone that makes boards like that, just so you know.


If the subject line said "Official Message" in the title line, it wasn't a warning. Just a friendly note sent from one of the moderator to help you. If it said "Official Warning", then it was a warning and is going to be written in your member notes somewhere. So please check for that before jumping to any conclusion.


If you have problems with TK, you can post on Meteor Games forums too. :D



the notification came up as a warning, but the message just said 'a message from the neopets team' :/

and the meteor forums have always seemed quite dead, although the TK boards on neo aren't much better, I got some responses which I was happy with :)


the notification came up as a warning, but the message just said 'a message from the neopets team' :/

and the meteor forums have always seemed quite dead, although the TK boards on neo aren't much better, I got some responses which I was happy with :)


That is just a message then.


Once before, I posted how someone had tried to get me to send my password and username through email and wondered where to report it.


Within seconds I had a message from TNT that I thought was a warning. But it was just a message and pointed me in the right direction.

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