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Remembrance day?

The Terminator

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Do you think it's possible to go too far with "remembering?"


there's a user on here, won't say names that I feel is going too far.


When I asked why she put it in her siggy she said it was to hopefully remind people that didn't realize or had forgotten the day to even remember for a few seconds. which i think is a waste of time personally.


i am grateful for the freedom. but do you think some people go too far with remembering?

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-cough- I guess you already know my answer to this.


I don't believe people can go too far. After all, many soldiers died, many veterans still suffer from lasting injuries, some physical and some mental. A lot of families suffered and lost loved ones.


I think the least we can do to pay our respects is remember why we have the freedom we have today. :)

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Remembering, being grateful and being thankful for a group of people who put their life on the line for you, and your family, your freedom and your safety is never. ever. going overboard. whither they did this 50 years ago or are currently out there right now.


We might not be able to personally show our gratitude to every single person or their family, but we can show our respect by wearing a poppy (I suppose if you're Canadian/British) or putting it in a signature on an internet forum.


It's a sign of respect and think it's very important and classy of April to do so. I'm not saying everyone should do this, but her signature/avatar may remind a few people to take a moment to think of others and their sacrifices, instead of taking what they have completely for granted.

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Yes, your friend is going a little far putting it on her signature. I mean I hardly care about these people. I never knew them personally and I hate people anyway. She is going too far.

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Please note that debating is about discussing ideas, not the people behind those ideas.


Discuss whether or not you agree with Remembrance Day - not the individuals who have views on the matter. This is not an invitation to attack other members.

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I personally prefer to do something active about it rather than just a facebook status or whatever. However, if you were on facebook today, you noticed what the statuses were. Skyrim. 11/11/11 at 11:11. It's Veterans' Day, for crying out loud. We should recognize it, and a signature is a small thing for that. It's really not obtrusive in the least, and we NEED to recognize it.



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You can't go too far with remembering if all you do is remember, and remind others to, too.


I say that what you do with your time is a matter of yours, not others. Remembering the people who died so you could play Neopets today - it's an important thing to do. If they could go into war knowing they wouldn't come out alive, then I think it's only fair for you to stop for a minute and be thankful, and I mean truly thankful, instead of just washing over it.


The only time you can "over do" it is when you're forcing your belief on others: Spamming everyone's wall, putting up words in huge letters about how people must stop, jumping people, mass sending emails so that others go "Aww, she/he really cares!" even though all they're doing is "stop acting, you joker. You're getting annoying." I say if you just put up a flag, stop and observe a minute of silence, select a special dress code for that day, it's fine, and respectful.

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Yes, your friend is going a little far putting it on her signature. I mean I hardly care about these people. I never knew them personally and I hate people anyway. She is going too far.


I'm not a fan of humanity. But these people did die for a cause. I believe that deserves respect.


There are many veterans that still suffer with physical, mental or even just memories. Not to mention the families.


Husbands, fathers, brothers, sons all lost. And females too, I don't just mean guys. A lot of great woman were lost too.


And I'm not shy that the OP is referring to my siggy and avatar .I am not forcing it on anyone but was merely hoping that if someone recognized it they may even take a second of their life to think about it. That's all.


I did post a status update on Facebook about how it was cool it was 11/11/11 but that people should also remember those lives lost and those that lost others they care about. I don't think that was too far either.


For me, going too far would be if someone posted on everyone's wall and page and said "if you don't repost you don't care."

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Yes, your friend is going a little far putting it on her signature. I mean I hardly care about these people. I never knew them personally and I hate people anyway. She is going too far.


Even on neopets--where the topic of death is completely taboo except in Esophagor quests--people put signatures of "R.I.P. someone". People put these all the time to honor someone. So what if you never knew them personally? That doesn't mean that the person with the signature doesn't. And if you don't know the person? Look them up. You find sometimes that they are heroes. You learn more about people who save lives. Someday, that life that was saved could be yours. Do you really hate people so much that if someone saved your life, you'd still hate that person?


If you don't know them and don't care, then fine, pass over it. It's as simple as that. It's not going too far in the least until it actually does something harmful to you. The rest of us appreciate the signatures that do that.

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If you think that it's something worth remembering and respecting, then do that however you see fit and don't let it bug you if people don't.


If you don't think that it's something worth remembering and respecting, then don't do so and don't let it bug you if people do.


I don't really get what else there is to discuss

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