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Nothing much, really. Anyways, welcome to TDNForums. I'm Neomysterion, and I'm a mod here. You got any questions, just ask me or another staffer.

Also, how long was your hiatus off Neopets? My longest one was for 3 and a half years, and my old account was still alive, even with my old Poogle still in there.


I hope you enjoy it over here at TDN, and meet lots of new friends, too.


Hi Maiden, welcome to the forums! Ain here. ^_^

Glad to see that you came back to the joy of playing Neopets again! Everything's well I assume! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it here at the forums! ^_^


I get on and off neopets every couple of months, it's like a cycle. I just came back after about a year long break, but I'm hoping I can keep it up this time. Or at least long enough to get all the seasonal avvies I'm missing. Enjoy the forums!


Wow, third welcome today.

I see how fast our community grows!


Welcome, oh wonderful new person. :D I hope you'll grow to love this site as much as I do. :yes:


am I late?


ah, hello there Maiden :)

welcome to the forum, i am ~Shoot Em All Peophin!~ but feel free to call me SEAP

everyone here do that. except if someone "back talk" to me, i never know ^_^


i learned that if you love somebody, you will let her go,

if she is back, then she is yours forever.

neopets did let me go a few time but i never thought that way! :P me is mine!


ah, enough for the random chit chat,

welcome to the board, have fun, enjoy the stay as much as we do :)

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