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Hello fellow neopians! I got a warning from TNT this morning. I'll explain what happen... I was playing keyquest yesterday and something happen. A player used a lint ball power-up on me and as that happen someone was knocking on my door, so I had to answer it. It skipped my turn when I didn't skip my turn on purpose I know that the power-ups are there for that reason so I wouldn't do it :) As I return I see in the chat box that the player put "no fair" so as a good deed I let that player win because I knew it wasn't fair... then I neomailed them explaining what happen and I felt guilty so I let them win that game. They didn't replied back, so I got a little worried... So I went to get some info on what happen, I went to the kq neoboards and asked some neopians, they didn't know. So I got the warning from TNT from the board I made stating that skipping my turn was cheating and that is why they gave me the warning. But I stated it was an accident. I'll shrug it off... it's one offense, but I hope in the near future I won't get frozen. Is this a minor warning? Thanks for the help! :)

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It's a fairly harmless warning. Usually when these things happen, you're better off to take it up directly with the other player, and if they're too immature to respond, you tried. Avoid calling attention to yourself. Emailing TNT, creating boards, etc. *Most* players will let this slide (I've had it done to me numerous times), but some will report you. Sometimes there's legit reasons for skipping, and sometimes not. Since there is no way to prove it, TNT has to warn you. I wouldn't worry too much. No further action would be taken unless it started to happen all the time. If it's once and awhile, you're fine.

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Honestly TNT knows people do things in real life while playing KQ and take things with a grain of salt. You really in essence got a warning solely for talking about it on the boards. They really don't want people discussing in depth 'potential' cheating on the boards. If you have a problem, they only want you to send in a ticket or discus between individual players through neomail. Cheating boards tends to cause drama and other such problems.


Also, one warning is not a problem, and I personally would not even have felt guilty about skipping your turn, things happen and other people need to realize that. If I could count the number of times other people have done sketchy things on KQ I would go crazy if I worried about every one.

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