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hi could you somehow make something that automatically locks threads after 21 days because i keep replying to topics that are on the first page of a forum and they end up being over 21 days old and i get warned.

also is it just me or are these forums just really slow as most topics seem to be very old.


Aalnius, this particular question about locking old topics was asked before a few months ago, here is the thread: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/27923-old-topic-rule/


By the way, here's the statement TJ/Superfly said about topics that have been inactive for (or haven't received any posts) in three weeks (21 days):


I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback on this matter.


Unfortunately, the forums software does not have the capability to auto-lock topics two weeks after the last post in them. This is more complicated than it sounds to program.


The Daily Neopets staff has looked into options, such as mods locking topics or an auto-lock feature, in the past and we have chosen not to do them for numerous reasons. That being said, at this time, we feel that it is best to leave things how they currently are since there hasn't been a huge issue in the 4+ years these forums have been around.


This topic has sparked an interest amongst the staff again and we have come to the same conclusion. We do appreciate members feedback and input as it helps us make tdn forums a better place and we always take what you guys have to say into consideration.


As an additional point, it's always been our policy to leave these old topics open when they're bumped, as long as the additional post contributes significantly to the conversation. And the same goes for topics that have already been closed - if you feel you've got something significant to add, just PM a mod and they'll take a look and either reopen the topic or recommend that you create a new one. :)


On another forum I go on that's made by the same sort of site or whatever, topics lock after being left for 2 weeks. I don't know if it's by themselves or not, but still.


ahh thanks for clearing that up for me :)


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