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What would you change about the site?


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I'm just really curious what you would do, or change to improve the site.

I think it would be nice to hear people opinions.


I would probably stop giving out Magical Krawk Plushies and Draik eggs.

I just think that they are deflating very quickly and it would be a shame that if in a near future they go for baby pets.

I also feel bad for the people that owned Krawks/Draiks before they where released.

The Krawk Plushie are around 4 million so if they keep releasing them, you can probably imagine how much they would go for, and Draiks are starting to deflate also.

But for some people I think they like the idea, just because they have a better chance on getting a Krawk with their Plushie/Pirat/etc.


But other then that the site is pretty awesome. c:

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I don't really care for limited pets, many people only want them because they can't get them easily, not because they like them. I would make really good wearables less expensive, and have more NP ones, cause not everyone can get NC.

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Personally, I think it's much more fair to be putting Draiks and Krawks out there like this. Pirate's deflated a lot too, it's nice.

I kinda hope the next plot (or mini-plot) is plushie based so that it'll deflate too. XD


That being said, the only thing I would really like to change is more NP wearables.

I wasn't crazy about customization when it was launched, but it's grown on me (much like a bad fungus XD).

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I like Draik/Krawk because like you said they are very limited.

But that's what I think makes them special. c:



But I still don't think that all the nice pets start to deflate, then they would be easily going for anything, so trading is pretty pointless. imo

The only goals we could go for is UC, which are still at their normal value. c:



Customizing is pretty fun, and I agree with both they should probably make good NP wearable cheaper. c:

I myself can't buy NC.

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I would IMMEDIATELY give users a choice as to wither or not they want their pets converted OR unconverted


I mean, look at Royalgirl Lupe. She's beautiful! And in her Converted form she's pretty much just a prettified normal Lupe. THAT was a massive mistake on the part of TNT in my opinion to be honest. I would gladly save up for a Faerie Paintbrush to paint for a Faerie Pteri or a Royal Paintbrush for a Royalgirl Lupe, but thanks to the fact that I'd be doing so AFTER the conversion date means I just get painted normal pets, not the 'special' dynamic poses.


I don't WANT to customise the special-pose pets with trinkets, I want to paint them to look like that!

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I disagree about the deflation of Krawk/Draik items being a bad thing. They're never going to be as common as other pets, so they'll always be special, but it's nice that they're an actual achievable dream for people now. And I think it's more fair as well :).


The other thing I would change would be to eliminate NC. The company managed to turn a profit before NC through ads and sponsored games and whatnot, I don't see why they couldn't do that now.


(Also, they need to spend a LOT more time weeding out the cheaters who are taking up trophy-space on the high score tables. It's unfair, and it seems to me like TNT doesn't take it seriously at all -_-).

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I don't like the NC, but I think if they spent more time on NP items then NC it would be better, it seems like all the awesome items only come out in the NC mall plus it seems more often then not the news feed is about NC items :S


Also I think there needs to be updated lands, as some of them aren't flash and I like the ones that are flash :) it's more enjoyable going to those lands then the others :) :)

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The maps for Tyrannia and Meridell REALLY need an update! BAD! They look likethey're still from 2001, well, in fact they are!


Being an NC addict I may complain less about the NC events, but more NP wearables would be nice, I do agree. There are just NO NP sets that are wearable for all species. (I really wish the Jare-*cough* I mean Glam Rocker outfit was wearable for species other than just the Tonu. Kyrii, anyone?)


As for Draik/Krawk: Well the main problem is most players only want one because they're so difficult to get. <_<

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