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Question about 3D Technology


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Yesterday my husband and I were looking at a Blu-Ray player that can also play 3D disks. What I'm wondering is if you want to watch a 3D movie do you need a 3D TV? We don't own any 3D movies yet but I'm just curious how this new technology works.

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I do not know the exact specifics, but my guess would be: Yes.


The way those "3D" movies work, is it has two video files playing at the same time - one video is meant for your left eye, the other is meant for your right eye. A 3D TV will, often in combination with a special set of glasses, overlap both videos to take up the screen space, but have something slightly different about each video so that the lenses on your glasses will interpret them separately.


From what I understand, the most popular way to do this is by polarizing the output of the two videos differently - and the glasses have two separate types of polarization on each lens.


Now, I think that it actually may combine the two videos into one video file, with the video data interlaced. This would make a lot of sense in regards to compressing the video to fit, and in making it work in existing players. But no matter what, it comes down to you needing a special TV to handle the polarization, and a special set of glasses as well.


Unless, of course, there's an option within all this for it to split it into 'Red/blue' 3D glasses, which won't require a 3D tv - just hope you have the Red/blue glasses ;)


Of course, I think all 3D movies have the option to simply display one side of the '3D' effect (say, choosing just the left or the right eye, and not displaying both at once), and thus converting it into a 2D movie.


I make no claims toward the accuracy of this post - I'm mostly guessing. But I hope it's a fairly good guess :)

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Thank you for the information. We're not looking at getting a new TV as a few years ago we bought a 42" plasma and its still in perfect condition. We probably won't buy any 3D movies anyways I'm just curious.


If anyone has anything else they would like to add please do.

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