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Habitarium--harvesters are going nuts!

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Karina if you have time read the main neopets boards, almost everyone is having the same issues to some degree or other. it looks like the problem starts with just the hiss and progresses eventually to p3s dying after the noise(that's where i am) If you check the boards there is lots of good advice on how to avoid the deaths :grrr: I am wondering, is it just coincinence that this "ghostly" noise appears, to scare the p3s to death in the month of october? Or is it going to get worse as halloween approaches :sad02:

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I'm having CRAZY weird stuff happen in my habi now...my P3s keep dying for no reason that I can tell. Specifically, the four workers I keep in a hospital. I have replaced ALL FOUR four times today--so sixteen new workers I've had to hatch today. This also happened with some soldiers--they died for no reason. Anyone know what on earth is going on?


Also, the P3s in the houses keep losing half their health, food, and restfulness for absolutely no reason.


My P3s have just started having this problem. They'll be doing ok in the houses then suddenly lose half of everything. They'll go back up and I have to grab them quickly out of the houses and put them to work otherwise they'll just go back down to half-health. For some reason they don't lose the health while out of the houses.


Haven't had any die on me unexpectedly yet but since I've had the other glitches happen, looks like I'll need to get hatching soon.

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They only seem to lose half life when they are in houses and more particularly hospital. Some people have also said that if you try and feed them nectar after the hiss that also causes them to lose health, and that refreshing the page after the hiss helps.I've earned a measly 46k in the last 24 hours :sad01_anim: Not a happy bunny

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Okay, this is getting ridiculous - a minute ago that hissing noise happened again, right after I'd put some soldiers into my hospital, and their health/hunger/energy didn't just drop by half, they became negative!




Right after I took that screencap two of them died. :( I'm pretty sure the hissing noise is getting more frequent, too. :( :( I really don't know what to do...

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My workers refuse to harvest any mud for me. I'm giving up on them for now. I'll just keep breeding, and leave it at that.

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<br />Karina if you have time read the main neopets boards, almost everyone is having the same issues to some degree or other. it looks like the problem starts with just the hiss and progresses eventually to p3s dying after the noise(that's where i am) If you check the boards there is lots of good advice on how to avoid the deaths <img src='http://www.tdnforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/grrr.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':grrr:' /> I am wondering, is it just coincinence that this "ghostly" noise appears, to scare the p3s to death in the month of october? Or is it going to get worse as halloween approaches <img src='http://www.tdnforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad02.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sad02:' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />


hEY :) I have been experiencing all the issues you all are reporting. I lost all six of my soldiers randomly after putting them in the hospital and barracks. My workers randomly lose 1/2 their hp and also randomly just stop gathering until a refresh.


Can you post the link to the advice on the neoboards? I have no idea how to navigate it as I avoid it completely.

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I know what you mean guys... I am sitting on a last level and just watching how all my P3s are dying.... cuz I have nothing to upgrade; my storage's all overfilled and I have a lot of them....

I'm just waiting until they will make more levels....worried.gif

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I'm having the health issues too. I rest them all, and one house brings them to full health while the others suddenly go to one quarter. And they keep dying for no reason while they're still very young, which is a pain because I get shortages of worker eggs a lot. Also, they stop working randomly after refreshing.

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