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Thinking of quitting Neopets

Lady Lyuba

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I'm really fed up with having my cookies deleted every time I leave the site without actually logging out, OR, staying in one page in Neo for too long. And with the new Facebook login thing, which is stupid as dung, we're all getting logged out on a daily basis. If this stops, I might stay, but if we're going to get logged out like this every day; forget it.


I just can't take this dung anymore. As much as I care about those little pixels of mine, I'm incredibly sick and tired of what TNT is doing to the site.

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Well it's your decision, but imo, the logging out thing is a mere inconvenience. Very frustrating if it happens regularly, but what I do is take a deep breath, turn off the computer, and come back tomorrow hoping the issues have been worked out. No need to quit permanently.

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I really don't want to quit for good, either, because no matter what, I still come back. In 2007 I had "quit" for longer than a year - till I returned in 2008 and have stayed since.


So, in the end, nothing can make me really quit, and I doubt I'd be able to quit for good, since so much of my creativity lies in Neopia.

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I have been raging with TNT since they perma silenced my account. My 7 year main and I can't even see when I get avatars anymore. So much for Lever of Doom and a bunch more.


I can't even see which avatars I have.


They perma silenced my main because someone with my same IP address was flaming from their account and they silenced all accounts sharing the IP.


Talk about frustrating.


I almost quit.

Now I only stay to roleplay in my guild. <_<


TNT, I hate you.


They didn't even respond to my ticket. I got an automated response saying |I was silenced for being warned and continuing to break the rules. They completely ignored the part where I showed them the effort and NC that went into my account, and I have only been warned twice and never silenced on my seven years. :/


So TNT is :evil:


I feel your pain.


TNT is stupid. It's all about the money now and they don't care for customer satisfaction.

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No Lady Lyuba! Don't quit Neopets!

Yes I know that TNT is quite... um... crazy at times. I feel your pain and hatred towards TNT for you not able to log in to your account (possibly due to that Facebook thing. I don't get why they must enable it). Either way, it's not mine, but your decision. But still! :(

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Honestly, I don't think it's worth quitting over something that's an inconvenience. When it happens, just take a deep breath, relax, and maybe find something non-Neopets related to do.


Have you checked your browser settings, especially with how cookies are stored?


Keep in mind that we're getting a new Facebook Login option soon, and that's bound to cause issues for a bit yet.

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TNT is stupid. It's all about the money now and they don't care for customer satisfaction.


^ I second this.


But having to log in every day isn't really anything more than an inconvenience. It takes me a grand total of about 2 seconds to log in. And the fact that you're getting logged out might not be TNT's fault. If it isn't happening on all browsers, then it's probably the browser in question that has wonky settings with cookies and whatnot. You may as well "quit Firefox/Chrome/IE/etc" instead of Neopets if that's the case xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm really fed up with having my cookies deleted every time I leave the site without actually logging out, OR, staying in one page in Neo for too long. And with the new Facebook login thing, which is stupid as dung, we're all getting logged out on a daily basis. If this stops, I might stay, but if we're going to get logged out like this every day; forget it.


I just can't take this dung anymore. As much as I care about those little pixels of mine, I'm incredibly sick and tired of what TNT is doing to the site.

If it's giving you that many problems, than quit. if you are quitting permanently transfer your pets to neofreinds or put them in the pound, sad as it may be. :sad02:

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