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Science Fair Project

Spirited Away

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same here...my suggestion is to NOT do a volcano :P



Ah ha. That's the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this thread.


It depends what your assignment is. Some schools let you do things that aren't strictly sciencey (experiments and such). Sometimes you can research things like socioeconomics (how people and populations interact) or things that are geography-related (landforms and formations and things)


It all depends on the guidelines you were given. Due to the fact that you only have 2 weeks, an experiment-based project may not be the best idea because if it doesn't turn out or something goes wrong, you don't have a lot of time to fix it. My suggestion would be to do something research-based.

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There are SO many suggestions that I could give you. But you need to narrow it down a bit!


First of all, is it:


A ) Strictly research project


B ) Experimental


Next, you should at the very least decide what field of study you want to work in:




-Growing plants with exposure to certain light colours (specifically red, blue, green--- look up colour absorption spectrum for chlorophyll)

-A study on some local animal species in your area (do not do bears).

-Growing plants to music (I don't suggest this, it's so... cliche)

-Growing plants in various types of soil (ex: with/without coffee grinds, with/without various organic matters, etc)

-A project on bonsai trees

-Anything soil chemistry related

-Effects of acid rain on plants

-Seed size vs plant height

-Grow mold from stuff (a kid did that for science fair once, I forget what the point of it was, but he got a really good mark. I wouldn't really suggest it though, it's smelly if you're not careful to keep things nice and sealed).




-Do a study on acid re-flux and show how antacids work (acid-base reaction)

-Make or demonstrate solar powered energy




-Do a study on falling objects to show that acceleration due to gravity on earth is -9.8m/s/s

-Make a catapult and throw stuff, see what factors allow you to throw further

-Create a pulley system that allows you to lift really heavy things (not students)



-Do a study on subliminal messages on fellow students. (Ex: make a video with many subtle references to the colour red, then after showing it to a group of students, have them pick one Smartie from a big bowl and then count the number that chose red).

-A study (and maybe experiments with students) on phobias (ex: spiders)



-Create a battery of some sort

-Create a solenoid

-Get a motherboard from an old computer and do stuff with it...


Et cetera...


If you narrow down what you want more, I can give better suggestions!

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All good suggestions Alice! However, I'd try and not point her toward your biology section. Remember, she only has 2 weeks. I'm no botanist, but doesn't it take more than 2 weeks for a plant to grow?


Yeah, I didn't think of that >_<


She could buy pre-grown plants and claim to have grown them xD

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With science projects, I find that the topic doesn't so much matter. Sure, topic is important, but creating solid experiment and following the scientific method is what makes a great project.


Some really good projects I have seen included:

  • Comparative strength of different brands of plastic wrap, and cost/strength ratio.
  • Best brand/flavour/kind of soda to obtain the highest height of eruption when mixed with Menthos.
  • The effects of fatigue on sports performance (measured by the accuracy of hockey slapshots taken in different states of fatigue).


Those are just a few that I could think of. If you want more suggestions, or suggestions for making a good experiment out of an idea you have, I can provide more.

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So, the people here obviously have done science fairs before.


I haven't, so I'm clueless. The lat sciencey project I did was a cell. You can do a cell! Like, do a model of a plant or animal cell. Plant has more. Use different items (non fragile!) for the different parts. People like to touch stuff. :D So you can have ti squishy, or hard, smooth, rough, hairy, sticky.... yay. :)


Idk if it's science fair material, never done one before.


Good luck!

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