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**LOCKED Threads - For No Good Reason???**

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So, I replied to my thread after 21 days with something I wanted to add to the discussion and something I thought might be of interest to previous posters, and now my thread is locked. I thought about just adding this new info to a previous post of mine, but "editing" a post wouldn't have alerted previous posters of new information. So, I added a new post, and in this post, I wrote: "Moderators: I also added this link above, so you can delete this post, as I don't know how." But they locked my thread anyway because even after my note, the accused me of "bumping" my thread!


Isn't "bumping" a thread when you just add a new post with nothing actually said or added??? I had something to add. It wasn't a "bump." Am I not allowed to add to a discussion in my own thread? I have never, ever been to a message board with these rules.


This reminds me of that episode of Star Trek: TNG where everyone lives in this perfect world, but if you so much as step on the grass, you're dead! :-P


To me, this defeats the purpose of a message board..... which is to share information.


This is the thread I'm referring to: Is God an Alien? (Part II) The last post I made that got my thread locked has already been deleted by the mod (but the info in it was added to a previous post).


First, you can find Haunted Neomysterion to discuss it with him HERE.


Also, we don't automatically lock them after 21 days for two reasons. One, last I heard we didn't have the ability to make it lock automatically and we feel the mod's time is better spent being available for any issues that come up, and not hunting down threads that are now past 21 days. Second, we don't close a topic if the new topic adds to the discussion significantly.


We lock threads that are bumped after 21 days to weed out in-active topics and to keep the information in topics relevant.


First, you can find Haunted Neomysterion to discuss it with him HERE.


Also, we don't automatically lock them after 21 days for two reasons. One, last I heard we didn't have the ability to make it lock automatically and we feel the mod's time is better spent being available for any issues that come up, and not hunting down threads that are now past 21 days. Second, we don't close a topic if the new topic adds to the discussion significantly.


We lock threads that are bumped after 21 days to weed out in-active topics and to keep the information in topics relevant.


Thank you. The original post was only locked after I replied to it after 21 days. However, I did have something to add.


You would think new people would get a "warning," and you would especially think that someone like me, who "meant" to delete the new post after posting would especially just get a warning. Had it been a different topic, perhaps I would have been treated more fairly....


I searched members for Haunted Neomysterion and couldn't find him, so I appreciate the info on how to contact him. :)


The reason I added a new post rather than just edit and add to a previous one, is because nobody would have been alerted to the new information. By adding a new post, all previous posters would get an e-mail notifying them of the new post, even if I deleted my post and then added the new info to a previous post of mine so it would all be together, which I immediately planned to do... but again, the option to delete it wasn't there. And now... my thread has been locked for saying I "bumped" it. Isn't the purpose of a thread to share information?



Actually, getting email alerts is a preference that people can turn on and off as they wish on this board...

Speaking for myself, I only get alerts to the threads I subscribed to. When I just want to be alerted of what's new on this forums, I click on the 'View New Content' link in the top right corner.


As a starting point: On TDN, a bumped topic is not one that simply had no new information added, but any topic that has been posted on after 21 days of inactivity. 99% of the time the person who bumped the topic was either not paying attention to the date or added absoltely nothing to the dicussion. Also, the topic is question is usually no longer of intrest to the other members of the forum, completely out of date, or has become irrelevant but the time it is bumped. There are, of course, exceptions to this, but as they make up about 1% of all topic bumps, it is far eaiser to simply close all bumped topics and deal with that rare one when it comes along.


As for your thread: I understand that you're intrested in and passionate about this topic. However, as this particular topic has died twice now, I'd say that the other members of the forums are not as intrested as you are. If anyone wants to step up and prove me wrong, be my guest. Barring that happening, however, the topic shall remain locked as not only is there little intrest in said topic, but your post was simply a link to some new informaiton rather than a dicussion post.



Thanks for the "View New Contents" link, but does it work if someone merely edits a previous post?



It's okay, I have just never, ever, come across a message board where you are no longer allowed to post after 21 days. I think it's counterproductive, but perhaps it works for the majority of posts here, as my topic was certainly off topic and not about neopets. :) Many topics, like religion, don't "go out of date." But again, I can see how posts about Neopets would, so perhaps this rule works great here.


I have a thread at a certain board that has almost 3000 posts, and it's not a religious thread. It stays active, but it sort of fluctuates and has many times gone for more than 21 days without posts, but then suddenly someone will find it, post, and then a lot of other people see it and it stays regularly active for a while. This post has helped a LOT of people, and it would be really sad had the moderator decided to close it after 21 days had past with no activity.


I originally found a thread here like mine through google search, but of course, that thread had also already been locked here. :laughingsmiley: So, I had to start a "new" thread in order to post to a previous one! :P


It really is okay that my thread is locked - if people stumble upon it, hopefully they will find information that is helpful to them. What bugged me most is the 21 day rule, as again, it seems like an odd rule to have where information is looking to be spread. This rule halts the spread of information.


I tend to rebel against things I feel are unfair, even if I'm not really affected (it's the people that post here on a regular basis that are affected), so.... that's why I'm bringing this up. But hey, your message board, your rules. You must have it this way for a reason. :)


Well, it's just that different forums have different rules. The main point she's trying to make is that when a topic goes incative for 21 days, it's assumed that the group of posters is no longer active or interested in the topic. If this happens, it's not the best option for that old, inactive topic to be taking up space on the front page, since nobody will likely be interested in the topic. As Brittney stated, if you have supporters that wnat to post in that particular topic, you can mass PM her to request it's reopening.


Well, it's just that different forums have different rules. The main point she's trying to make is that when a topic goes incative for 21 days, it's assumed that the group of posters is no longer active or interested in the topic. If this happens, it's not the best option for that old, inactive topic to be taking up space on the front page, since nobody will likely be interested in the topic. As Brittney stated, if you have supporters that wnat to post in that particular topic, you can mass PM her to request it's reopening.


Thanks Purple Monster, but I don't think anyone will know to PM Brittney. It's okay - this topic is also around message boards without the 21 day rule, so people can ask/post there. :)


Here's another solution. If there's something you want to add to a topic you've seen, but it's too old, you can just make a post as a new topic, and have a link back to the old topic.


I don't think these repeat topics are too bad - I swear the current abortion thread is the third one I've seen in my TDNF career. And gay marriage has to have come up just as many times.


I guess you should just be aware that in doing so, you'll probably be starting the discussion at square one, and most people won't even visit the link. However, people interested in that topic will still wander on to the new thread you've started.


Of course, I'm not a moderator, so I can't really speak for how they feel, but I think this is a viable idea.


Edit: Actually, that looks like what you did for that thread when you opened it up? Why not just do that again?



You are so nice to comment and offer suggestions - I appreciate it! Too funny about the other threads you've seen surface as new topics again and again. haha!


I guess if anyone wants to comment on a locked thread, they can start a new thread, but then they'd have to PM each person in the original topic individually to alert them of the new thread if they were hoping to continue a discussion. haha!


I see this site as a place to discuss the newest news about Neopets - probably best for those wishing to exchange more serious intellectual conversation and ideas to go elsewhere. Otherwise, if someone puts time and thought into a comment hoping to exchange ideas with others, they might be disappointed later to find they wasted their time when the thread gets locked.... but if one is merely wanting to share information/ideas to help others, and not necessarily get replies, then I guess it's okay if the thread gets locked, as their comment will still be there for others to read at least. haha :P


Well, I mean, if people were interested, wouldn't they just stumble upon the thread anyway?


It's just that I don't remember TDNF really moving that fast, at least compared to other forums. So whatever you post should be on that page for a while before it gets bumped away.


Though I haven't really been around for quite some time, so it's honestly kind of hard for me to say :P



Yes, that's how I wound up here! haha I stumbled upon someone else's thread through a google search, but that thread had already been locked, so I started a new one. If these forums don't get a lot of traffic, I think that's even more of a reason to not lock the threads after 21 days. Oh well. :)


Well, that's not true. TDNF actually gets a LOT of traffic. Compare it to Jellyneo any day, any way, any how, and we win. Despite this, some days, there are not even 5 new topics created. HOWEVER, there are lots of days where there are a lot more than that.


This topic is getting a bit off subject.


Anime has explained in-depth the reasons behind the locking of threads. (In case you want to find the explanation, you can find it HERE.)


If you want to see about opening the topic again, or anything such as that, Anime is the one to be contacted.


Back on topic.... under FAQs, it says:


Q: Why are all bumped topics locked? Sometimes relevant information is added!

A: 99% of the time the person who bumped the topic was either not paying attention to the date or added absolutely nothing to the dicussion.Source: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/29695-the-daily-neopets-rules-faq/


Isn't that like saying TDN feels that about 99% of its members posts are worthless?


Hi PinkSky777,


I see that many of our most veteran and well-trained team members have commented on this thread and I'm glad you've gotten some reasonable solutions/work-a-rounds to your problem.


Seeing as you're relatively new here (20 total posts), and according to our records 1/5 of those posts were on older topics, I can see how this frustrates you. However, rules do not change over night or due to one topic. Our policy use to be a 14-day rule; however, we listened to our members and extended it an extra 7 days for concerns just like yours. Our members have been happy with our current 21-day policy, so I do not foresee us extending it or removing it.


I have noted your concerns down in my staff meeting agenda and our team will discuss, as a whole, this policy in question. If there are any changes to our current 21-day rule we will post an announcement in our TDN Announcements forum for all to see, and adjust the rules accordingly.


Please PM me with any further concerns related to this topic. As I believe multiple TDN team members and TDN forum members have answered your question, I do believe this topic can now be closed.


This topic has been edited by a member of staff (TJ).

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Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact TJ if you have any questions regarding this action.

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