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Boring Sunday


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It's going to be Sunday tomorrow. I won't have lots to do then. I have a week of school, though, so I'll have a chance to rest before I have to put up with being bullied and made fun of and hard Year 10 work again.

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Le boring sunday... No one brings out Youtube vids on sunday. Luckily, tomorrow a friend will come over and help me with maths homework, as well as my grandparents... So I guess it might not be as boring as usual :)

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I have to put up with my brother and sister essing about in the mornings until Mum or Stepdad gets up. We can't get up until one of them does.

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My Sundays are never boring for me. I like to check out the flea markets sometimes on a Sunday.

Sunday hasn't finished where I am, but I always try to find some ways to make my Sundays fun and not at all boring.

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When I'm bored, I write.


Although lately, when I've been bored, I write job applications. But that's dying down now because I officially have two jobs, am starting a third tomorrow, and might be putting in my name for substitute teaching.


(No, I'm not stealing jobs from people. I swear each job is very, very part-time, and even with the three jobs combined I'm only working part-time except on those weeks when I get to put in extra time teaching.)

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Well, yesterday was Sunday, and I didn't do a lot or go out a lot. I listened to my music, to some new (well, new to me) songs I put on.

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When I'm bored, I write.


Although lately, when I've been bored, I write job applications. But that's dying down now because I officially have two jobs, am starting a third tomorrow, and might be putting in my name for substitute teaching.


(No, I'm not stealing jobs from people. I swear each job is very, very part-time, and even with the three jobs combined I'm only working part-time except on those weeks when I get to put in extra time teaching.)

xD I like filling in forms and surveys when I'm bored, so you're not alone there.

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I love Sundays! They are a lay around in bed, maybe read a little and don't feel obligated to get up days. Except when I have to work, or I have a midterm on Monday. Which unfortunately I do. Oh well. It's only Tuesday so I can dream of a relaxing Sunday instead of the usual freak out because I have to do all my homework on the last day of weekend.

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