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Acoint Hacked? Help!


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You still have access to your email right? Did you try "forgetting my password" to send the password to your email? Hopefully, hacker didn't think of changing the email yet :/


I recently improve my security settings by putting a pin on changing my email...except I kinda forgot what my pin was =.=


Good luck with your account...maybe you just forgot to unlock your Caps lock? and typed in the wrong password or something?

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My friend's account was hacked this sunday :( Do you have any sideaccounts? Try to look if you still have neopets and send TNT message that they will disable your account.


Or maybe it's just a glitch - a lot of people has that kind of problems since weekend. I mean... my friend noticed that he hasn't got his neopets anymore and he knew immediately that he's been hacked. Maybe in your case is just a glitch :) (I hope so ;))

Edited by nika_p
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I thought on saturday I was hacked too, but it was a glitch. Check for any changes in your account - shop/gallery, pet, avatar .. anything. Hope everything works out :/

Nika was he/she from Slovenia?


I just checked your lookup and I've noticed the last time you've been spotted was 3 days ago. Do you remember when you were on neopets for the last time before today?

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I would request your account to be frozen temporarily to see what's going on because they probably won't reply to you right away. See what's going on, it sounds like someone was able to get into your acc, I would also see if anyone logged into it that wasn't you (Last seen ________??), if the user was last seen today then obviously it's not you and your acc was hacked.

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