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Wayward traveler setting up camp in the forums.


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Greetings! You can call me fox-mustache, or faux-mustache, or any variation of those, or any totally groovy nickname you can concoct.


Neopets was basically my life when I was younger. I can remember many good times my friends and I had playing Neopets, or playing with our plushies. Like this one time when my best friend pounded the Christmas Zafara I acquired by way of winning the necessary paintbrush from the Fruit Machine, just to see if she could get away with it, and I didn't find out she was the culprit until years later when I no longer cared. Ahh, good times.


Anyway, my school district went on strike for awhile and I started playing Neopets in my spare time, somewhat ironically. But I'm temporarily addicted to it again. Currently saving up for a Darigan Aisha, recently acquired a Darigan Gelert, Neopets life is good.


I like making art and listening to music of the indie variety. I adore Homestuck. I attend an oh-so-hipster arts high school. It's pretty rad and somewhat pretentious.


I hope to get to know some of you lovely beings.

Godspeed. Catch ya on the flipside.

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I like Darigan pets including your Darigan Gelert, I own a Darigan Hissi.


Also, welcome to TDNForums. I'm Neomysterion by the way, I've been on Neopets since 2002 and returned full-swing in August 2010.

If you have any questions, ask me or another staffer.

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