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Featured department: Neo Avatars (Solutions & Checklist)

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It's that time again to tell you about the latest and greatest things at TDN. b) This weekend's new featured department is Neo Avatars, which is our Avatar Checklist tool (fully equipped with avatar solutions for every avatar imaginable!). Over 70,000 users have discovered the power of Neo Avatars... and are now storing over 7,000,000 checked avatars with us.


Try it out. Head on over to Neo Avatars today! A myTDN account is required for full access to the checklist features; register one today!


Actually, this feature of the site was genuinely why I set up an account on here anyway XD It was very useful for me.


Oh, I'd better go change my avatars, since I now have MSPP!


(fully equipped with avatar solutions for every avatar imaginable!)


Especially the Wishing Well one! :laughingsmiley:


But seriously, the avatar checklist is crazy useful, it's helped me a lot in collecting and keeping track of what I have and it's the reason I made an account in the first place.


I love the avatar checklist too!

Keeping track of avvies was very hard until I found this! And it's gonna help me gain more avvies too!

Thank you so much TDN! :D


YES! The avatar checklist was one of the best things ever!


We should have one for books. :D One that can be checked off.


Amazingk, guys! ^_^


It's a fantastic idea...but if you want one really badly right now, there's one on jellyneo. http://items.jellyneo.net/books/


YES! The avatar checklist was one of the best things ever!


We should have one for books. :D One that can be checked off.


Amazingk, guys! ^_^


I LOVE the NeoAvatars checklist ^^ it's the best thing TDN's come up with in my opinion. Also I think a book Checklist would almost top the neoavatar list, I've always wanted to do what I could to get books I needed for a trophy or whatever for most books read by your neopet but I hate having to use Microsoft word or something to try to keep track of them. I eventually gave up on it. So TDN I think you guys should actually consider this idea, if you want to though. :P


Oh my god yes. The avatar checklist is amazing. Without it I think I'd be so completely lost right now. after not playing neopets for awhile and then coming back, it was a great way to be able to catch up and get the avvie's that I had missed on! I seriously love it.


Oh yes please. Lets go counter crazy and get a counter for everything.(But especially books)


And it's definitely nowhere near as good as a counter system, but jellyneo does provide a way to check which books you have not read yet.


Off topic: I do have to agree on the counter for books too, that would really help me save a lot of time! ^_^

And thanks for the info on where I can find one! ^_^


I love this :) I went away from neopets and was collecting them so coming back and having the quick update helped me so so much!!! Thank you!!!


And Yes a book check list would be awesome :)


Same with a hidden Battledome challanger one ;) Because then you know which ones you have and can find the others!!! :)




What about a Stamp list as well? I am collecting stamps at the moment as well and its a hassle looking through all the albums for the ones I have... Even using the pages on here that are helpful it still gets a bit confusing :S :) :)


And the list goes on....


It's really high demands of TDN, though. By right, NEOPETS should have a book checklist! They can't do it for Avvvies, cause we have to find those ourselves. Nor secret battledome challanges. But books! :D


Everyone who has a suggestion, feel free to use our super duper contact form.

Right now we are working on other projects, so don't expect to see a new kind of checklist soon.


I wish I had the know how to build these checklsits. I have a feeling I would have no problem gathering the info, but putting it together and making it work..... *grumble*

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