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Guild leaders, how do you go about finding council?


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I have started a guild a month ago. It was fine when I was on 24/7 to maintain every page but now there is a lot of real life emergencies happening and I can not be on all the time and am seeking people to help host pages or just help out enforcing rules or in general. Also to hepl recruit a bit.

I am so overwhelmed with real life now, where as before I was on so much it did not matter.


I am looking for council and I may be leaving for two weeks and want to be sure that the guild will still be okay when I get back.


So my question to you, is how do YOU go about finding council?

What do you look for? I have an idea of what I look for but do you have any tips?

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First thing, I look for people who think alike me. For instance, running contests is not allowed on Neopets, so all my council have to agree with that because I don't want anyone to get in troubles with the rules and lose their account because of the guild. The second thing I look for is people who can code decently or do graphics. They also need to be able to take decisions on their own if I'm not online. I also try to pick people who are online every day (not necessary posting on the boards, but I know I can reach them every day if I need to.) That's pretty much it.


The way it works for me is that I open applications and ask a list of questions. Here is a copy paste of what I ask.


Procedure to apply


You can neomail Xepha the following information, and if you do have HTML/CSS experience please provide a link to an example you have made.


What is your username?

How long have you been in the guild?

Why did you decide to join the guild?

Have you ever been in charge of a guild activity in Underwater Spirits or in another guild?

Do you have HTML or CSS experience?

Do you have graphics experience? If so, which applications do you primary use to create your graphics?

Why would you be a good council member?

What is your definition of a council member?

What would you do to improve our guild (beside thwacking V to ask her to update activities more often)?

Anything else you want to say?

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That's good.

I know my guild runs competitions and a lot of members always ask us to d oprizes and I always have to say they're against the rules. Most of those memebrs leave... XD


But that is good. Thank you. ^.^


I do want someone who I can trust to make decisions when I am not there. Like if there is a conflict on the boards or something.

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If your guild is active enough where you can't moderate it on its own, that's great. Find some of the most active people and read their posts. See who has contributed the most, and who seems mature enough to make good decisions.


I somehow have always ended up on the guild council of guilds I join...

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