ezza Posted November 9, 2012 Posted November 9, 2012 I am a Catholic but I'm not entirely against abortion. I think so many people are irresponsible and have unprotected sex. And then when they get pregnant, they just have an abortion and then they do it all over again. I'm against that. But how can that be enforced? Many other people have the right to abortion. Women raped. Those who can't carry the pregnancy to full term. And those people who have confirmed that the child they have will have a certain hereditary condition. Couples can check this through amniocentesis, I think it's called. So, what to do? IMO, they should legalize abortion. Here in our country, they're still debating over the RH Bill (Reproductive Health Bill). Quote
miemieh Posted November 23, 2012 Posted November 23, 2012 I think it's the choice of a woman to get a baby or not, not the choice of the government. Everyone is diffrent. Can a 15yo girl raise a child? Is it fair, for the baby, to have parents who are addicted to drugs/alcohol? Is it fair to let the raped woman have her baby? Even if she don't want it? In a big family, with a lot of children, is it fair to give birth to a baby with the down syndrom(when you'll know at 12weeks that the baby isn't healthy? (The other kids won't get the attention they need and all the money will go to the care of the newborn) I don't think you should think about the parents, but about the baby. A human, a life. Everyone should have a good start and a save home. Quote
lilllisan Posted November 23, 2012 Posted November 23, 2012 I think it's the choice of a woman to get a baby or not, not the choice of the government. Everyone is diffrent. Can a 15yo girl raise a child? Is it fair, for the baby, to have parents who are addicted to drugs/alcohol? Is it fair to let the raped woman have her baby? Even if she don't want it? In a big family, with a lot of children, is it fair to give birth to a baby with the down syndrom(when you'll know at 12weeks that the baby isn't healthy? (The other kids won't get the attention they need and all the money will go to the care of the newborn) I don't think you should think about the parents, but about the baby. A human, a life. Everyone should have a good start and a save home. ^I agree exactly! However I would like to point out that even though I'm all for abortion, (and so is my country!) it's important to only use it if necessary. If the child is sick, if you were raped, personal reasons etc. Abortion shouldn't be a substitute for birthcontrol. Abortion should be an option, but only if necessary. Preventing it won't make the problem go away. People will get abortions, but they'll get it done illegally which is super dangerous. I think a lot of people agree. When we say we are for abortion we don't mean everyone should go get one!! We like knowing there is a safe option for us if a problem were to occur to us or our friends and family! Oh and in my country, when you happen to kill an actual BORN baby you go to prison. We treat it as murder and we get reaaaally upset about it! (Also abortion is only legal in the first stage of the pregnancy when the baby hasn't started developing in my country.) Mouseykins 1 Quote
cloza Posted November 24, 2012 Posted November 24, 2012 I must say I am pro-choice when it comes to this debate, as you have all demonstrated so nicely the circumstances which result in a woman getting an abortion vary. The psychological impact of an abortion on an individual I feel would prevent it being a "form of birth control", as it is not a decision which is made lightly. I know from my familiarity with it where I am from it involves a great deal of councelling and other similar services. On the comment about the stage at which the abortion occurs I feel that is a whole other debate, that concerns when does a life begin. For people with justified reasons I feel abortion should be avaliable. The process of getting an abortion in my opinion should provide support on various levels to a woman, such as provide psychological support before and after. (Should note I feel psychological support is also important for males, as we cannot assume it is always a single woman making these decisions, it is hard on alot of people.) So im pro-choice... As long as people fully understand the implications, have a justified reason and have discussed their decision with someone to ensure it is the right one. Rebecca~ and lilllisan 2 Quote
internalxorgans Posted December 25, 2012 Posted December 25, 2012 These non abortion critics make me sick and really angry. I like how the second post used her RELIGION as an excuse to go against abortion. I have every right as a woman or teenage girl to take the life away from my child who wasn't suppose to be here, especially if I was raped, again. Quote
summerinx Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 For those using the slippery slope argument, many places have legalized abortion for decades, and we don't all kill babies for fun or have abortions on a whim. But it does cause a higher ratio of babies born to stable homes and less teen parents. DearlyStars 1 Quote
Dynohawk Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 It should be 100% legal. Just another case of people sticking their noses in someone elses business trying to dictate how people live, and someone using the religion card. Hilarious really. Keep that unborn baby you don't want because of a fictional character someone else has pledged their life too, of course! Makes perfect sense ;-) Rebecca~ and DearlyStars 2 Quote
hanalways Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 I think one thing that people keep forgetting about isn't abortion altogether but the EDUCATION OF SEX. We want to "protect" our children, "protect" our society from talking about the birds and the bees and parents get uncomfortable talking about any sex AT ALL. But the thing is, we need to talk about protection, we have to talk about birth control, we have to talk about the consequences of having sex. TEENS ARE GOING TO HAVE SEX. PERIOD. There's NO WAY AROUND IT. Your body is literally hormonally WIRED to have as much sex as humanly possible. Every single conceivable brain cell is subconsciously focused on trying to release those hormones and emotions - puberty is literally niagra falls gushing through your bloodstream. If you are one of those save yourself until marriage type of people, awesome! That's great for you. I definitely don't want to step on your toes and I think you've made noble choice. But you're definitely in the minority, and you're definitely missing out. Sex is awesome! It's great! It's one of the greatest feats of all human kind. We were made to have sex. Seriously. But when we don't educate the majority in what sex is, in the consequences that sex brings, and how to SAFELY have sex, it disconnects the action and the consequences. I do believe in pro-choice, I do believe that there is nothing more life altering than having children being dependent on your every move. And I do believe that there are some people who are flat out not ready, or never will be ready. I believe that there are many circumstances that make this situation not black and white as people want to believe it is. It's not murder - scientifically speaking life does NOT begin at conception. Every sperm is NOT sacred. In all honesty there is not much biologically different in a seven week old fetus and a tumor. Do I believe that abortion should not be taken lightly. Of course! This is a decision that you need to sit down and do some serious soul searching on. But these situations, teen pregnancy, unwanted pregnancies, would be drastically different if we educated ourselves in sex of every kind. The culture of sex. Learn about it! Do it! And then teach others! And to me it is presumptuous for someone to think that they know what is best for the future of that person. It is extremely pretentious for someone to come in and tell a woman that no matter what they have to have a baby - despite their status, their age, their demographic. It is the choice of the woman - it is their body, it is their life that you're casually berating with legislation that is not fully researched and was written without full consideration to the lives that they are affecting. </endrant> Rebecca~ and DearlyStars 2 Quote
DearlyStars Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 I'm pro-choice. I would like to see the USA move away from abstinence-only 'education' spawned by religious fanatics and teach teens to be more careful to lower the STD/abortion/adoption rate. EDIT: Pretty much what hanalways said above me. Quote
anorexorcist Posted January 9, 2013 Posted January 9, 2013 I'm pro choice. As a past sexual victim, I've got a kind of different perspective on this. When I was 12, I got pregnant by rape. It was my father. I ended up having to keep the baby because I could not find any abortion clinics that would take me. I was forced into eight months of pregnancy, falling in love with a baby that was more likely than not messed up (I was using heroin pretty hard at the beginning of the pregnancy), and then losing him at eight months after I'd already had plans. In this situation, the best option morally and emotionally/physically, would have been to get the abortion. When I miscarried, I was told by a doctor that I should've gotten the abortion and it likely would have saved my ability to have children. Which I don't have anymore. So I guess, I think that confidential free services should be offered everywhere. There should be a choice for everyone, because nobody should have to look at a growing belly they don't want for 9 months and resent a child they're stuck with forever. Quote
neo_ryan_3_3_3 Posted June 2, 2013 Posted June 2, 2013 What happens when a male gets a female pregnant and decides he doesn't want to be a father? I call him an irresponsible, selfish scumbag. What happens when a female gets pregnant and doesn't want to have kids? I call her an irresponsible, selfish scumbag. The only difference is that the female can chose to opt-out via abortion, whereas the male is stuck either raising a kid or paying thousands in child support. So why do I get called ignorant for bashing a woman who gets an abortion, but everyone agrees with me when I bash a man who doesn't want to raise a kid? (Now of course rape and incest are entirely different since the woman didn't chose to partake in sexual behavior.) Quote
Raichi Posted June 15, 2013 Posted June 15, 2013 When you're on birth-control and somehow get pregnant, I think it's the most responsible thing to get an abortion. A child deserves: - Parents who desired to have them (aka making babies by choice) - Stable living situation (enough income in the household so it can eat and have toys/fit in with other kids) - A pet. (it's been scientifically proven that children with pets are more empathic and responsible) Anyone on birth-control chooses so because they can't provide that for a child, or simply never want to have children. I think it's bad to put a child on the earth that you didn't want. Even IF you adopt it out, once it becomes of age it will track you down and it will still break its heart to hear that you just didn't want its existence in your life. I want children some day, when I can take good care of them. Now I can barely take care of myself. As much as I adore children, as much as it breaks my heart and however high my motherly instincts may be, if I get pregnant because my birth-control by some miracle doesn't do its job, I WILL have that abortion. Anyone who thinks lesser of me because of that can go take a hike. blowupthesun 1 Quote
1_little_sweet_girl Posted August 1, 2013 Posted August 1, 2013 My husband and I waited to have sex until we were married. In doing so, if a child is to come, it would enter the world to my husband and I. I do not agree with abortion. A child is a gift from God. The only reason abortion can be justified is if the pregnancy is a result of incest or rape, or if the pregnancy can kill the mother, like a tubal pregnancy Quote
Relevance Posted August 27, 2013 Posted August 27, 2013 Well the thing is, no matter what anyone says, people are still going to have their own opinions. Mine happens to be that abortion should be legal. They only allow abortion up to a certain time during pregnancy. In the beginning, it's only a teeny tiny clump of cells. Yeah, it has the potential to become a human, but so do the haploid cells that go in to even creating that clump of cells, technically. When the baby actually starts forming, that's when the cut-off is for getting an abortion. The only time it would be carried out after that time frame would be if it was to save the Mom's life or prevent serious injuries, or maybe if the baby was going to be seriously handicapped, stuff like that. A woman's body even aborts its own babies, more than many even realize ( ever heard of a miscarriage? They actually often happen without people even realizing they were pregnant in the first place. ) Other reasoning, as April has already said, involve rape victims, alcohol, and parents that can just simply not afford to have a child yet. Putting it up for adoption, again, there's already too many in foster care or orphanages anyway. On top of that, could you really put your would-be child through that sort of thing? Now, think about the child the rape victim would be forced to have due to the banning of abortion. At some point, that kid is going to find out how he or she was conceived. The mother would be continuously reminded of her past. And alcohol, well, let's not get in to that. So for those reasons and more, I feel it should be legal, and I see nothing wrong with it. It's sad, but it can be the only logical option for some as well. Quote
_snuffles Posted November 22, 2013 Posted November 22, 2013 I am definitely for abortion. I hate people who think it's an acceptable form of birth control, but I think it's better that a child was never born than born to a family of abusive or unprepared parents. Adoption is an option (I'm adopted!) but not all women want to go through the physical strain of carrying and birthing a child. Sometimes birth control fails. There's a lot of gray area. I just hate when people treat it like a black and white issue. Quote
brynchilla Posted November 23, 2013 Posted November 23, 2013 I went to a Catholic High School, and as such, had to go to pro-life lectures 1-3 times each school year. One time that struck me was when the lady brought slides that showed what an abortion was like, all grimey and bloody details included. At this point, I think it wise to tell you that I was not being influenced by the slides, as I'm one who stands firm with my opinion, and I know that the other students in my high school were as well. What made me so mad was that there were elementary school kids present as well. 10 year old kids were being forced to watch this. I remember seeing one girl run into the bathroom crying because she couldn't take it. Shocking kids into thinking abortion is the worst thing in the world is NOT the way to go about with sex education. To go more in depth on that, whenever there would be a pro-life speaker, they would speak of the horrors of abortion clinic. They spoke of it as this hell like place where dead baby carcases were lazily dumped in dumpsters outside the building, and there were carts in the hallways with more. They left out a big portion of what abortion is. They made the people who have abortions out to be irresponsible teenagers, and those that were not teenagers were ladies in the forties who said they wish they were dead (or other such things) instead. It's rather sad, to be honest. As for my opinion, I am pro-choice. If you want to have an abortion, okay, have one. If you don't want to have one, that's okay too, don't have one. My opinion should not stop you from having your own. Not only that, I have no right to make demands on what you should and should not do with your body. It's yours for a reason, yours. Not mine. I wouldn't want others to make demands of my body, so I respect others decision by showing them the same respect. I don't like almonds. Imagine me slapping all almonds away from you when you try to eat them, just because I don't like them. That's silly! If you like almonds, eat your heart out! Your almond intake doesn't affect me. It's the same with abortions. It's your choice, not mine. Edit: I would like to add something to the fetus debate. Everyone starts out as a blastopore. And then, the blastopore develops into something. What does it develop into? Well, it's a hole. And it's not your mouth. I remember when my older sister was younger, she was getting tired of all the talk about when a fetus is a person, and shouted "IT'S NOT A BABY UNTIL THE FREAKIN HEAD COMES OUT OF THE FREAKIN YOU KNOW WHAT!!" And to an extent, I have to agree. The baby has not experienced life. It is unknown whether or not unborn babies have thoughts, have feelings, have memories, have emotions. The mother, on the other hand, does. I know that this is very very different from abortion, but it's something that I would like to bring up. People say that abortion is wrong because it is killing something that could become life. So that's saying that all sperm and egg have the opportunity to become life. With each period, an egg is dropped (it is very tiny, but one is dropped.) That egg is an egg that could have one day become a human life. Is it safe to say that periods should be illegal too? And if that, what about self pleasure. (Like I said, very different.) Quote
neopets98 Posted August 21, 2014 Posted August 21, 2014 I am definitely pro-choice. The choice should always be available because advancements in technology have made it possible to be done (because it can be done, it should be a choice imo). I do think that teens and people in general should be more careful if they do not want to be pregnant. A lot of these situations are caused by carelessness (not always). A situation that I think abortion always has to be performed is when the mother is not healthy enough to carry the child (as in the mother would die in childbirth). Quote
cellestica Posted October 8, 2014 Posted October 8, 2014 I think the topic of abortion is like a grey area for me. I personally wouldn't get one just because im not ready to have a child. if Im doing grown up things, I should take responsibility. but I don't see how my feelings towards it should affect other womans bodies though. its their bodies, their lives. Quote
Chanyeoli Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 Well thank God my country allows abortion. I wouldn't want to have a kid at 17 years old! I still have a whole life ahead, I'll have to study till I'm around 25 years old. No way I'll get pregnant and/or raise a baby before finishing university. Quote
darnflamingos Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 In my country abortion is completely legal. I think that is a really good thing. I don't think women should be forced to carry a baby to term they don't want. There are a lot of ways to prevent becoming pregnant and I think this is the most important thing. If you are having sex, you should be responsible. Be safe, use birth control if you don't want to become pregnant. But birth control is not perfect. I am a mother of three lovely girls and was not planning on having any more babies. This for practical and financial reasons. I recently had taken a pregnancy test because I 'felt' pregnant. It was positive. I went to the doctor and the first thing he asked what I wanted to do. Did I want to keep the baby or have an abortion. If I wanted to keep the baby, they had to remove my iud (yes, I am on birth control), which would mean there was a bit higher chance for a miscarriage than with a regular pregnancy. Anyway, when the doctor did my echo, I didn't turn out to be pregnant at all. The test gave a false positive. I had already spoken with my husband about it and we both agreed that not being planned was for us not a reason not to keep the baby. We had already started testing how it would work to have the three kids in the same room to make space for the new baby. But it was great coming to the doctor and having all the options available to you. And no one being judgmental about it. I, for myself, can not imagine having an abortion, but I can understand that women do make that choice. Having a child is a lot of work, and costs a lot of money as well. And you can do so many things horribly wrong. Not being wanted can have a devastating impact on a child. Not everyone is fit to have children, in some situations the responsible thing to do can be not having the child. Pregnant women that make this choice usually do not make it lightly. It is not an easy choice no matter what age you are or what your background is. I think there is a very small percentage of women that use this as a means of birth control. Yes, there are a lot of people that don't think things through, forget their birth control or don't use any at all, but consciously using abortion as a means of birth control? I don't think so. I think the choice is for every women herself to make, I am glad that in my country you are able to do so. Mouseykins 1 Quote
Neko-Tan Posted July 24, 2015 Posted July 24, 2015 I believe abortion is very flexible. I suppose it just depends on the situation. If someone was raped, lets say, I would be fine with abortion, because if she were to carry on the child it would be torture for her (emotionally and physically) and possibly for the child (birth defects, disease, unloved because of how it was conceived, etc..) However, if you always have unprotected sex and you turn to abortion for means of "birth control"; then shame on you, because then you're literally murdering children for no benefit at all. Quote
eloralestrange Posted September 14, 2017 Posted September 14, 2017 Some people say that people are just going to get pregnant willy-nilly if abortions are totally legal. http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/news/a31727/what-its-really-like-to-have-an-abortion/ I ... don't think so. I think people who don't use protection still wouldn't use it if abortion wasn't an option, and the people in the article were using protection and really were not ready for a baby. There are far too many people who just can't afford it. If someone wants to pay $500 instead of $233,610 (according to a random google search) that it will take to raise the child in the long run, then I think that's a very logical choice. If I had to raise a child right now and pay for it too, I wouldn't. Because I couldn't. $14k a year is 3/4 of my paycheck before taxes (about a third gets taken out so it's more than my entire paycheck), and there are still people who make less than I do and pay rent in addition to it. No way. It would be horrible to everyone involved to force them into that situation. If I did have to raise that child, I think my only option would be to get married real fast. And that already sounds like a stupid idea. Quote
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