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negotiating in restocking


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So, for low end items/stores where restocking is easy, and does not generate the highest profit margins, is negotiating with the npc worth it? I restocked from the card shop because Im a lazy and I'm not a speedy player. My negotiating abilities allow me to find the lowest price, and involves 2 negotiates, and 1 final move to actually buy the item. When I say 2 negotiates, I basically haggle with the npc twice to bring the asking price down close to the lowest asking price. I dont do haggling when a valuable purple or yellow or grey card appears tho.


Whats your opinion?

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So, for low end items/stores where restocking is easy, and does not generate the highest profit margins, is negotiating with the npc worth it? I restocked from the card shop because Im a lazy and I'm not a speedy player. My negotiating abilities allow me to find the lowest price, and involves 2 negotiates, and 1 final move to actually buy the item. When I say 2 negotiates, I basically haggle with the npc twice to bring the asking price down close to the lowest asking price. I dont do haggling when a valuable purple or yellow or grey card appears tho.


Whats your opinion?


In my opinion, if you can haggle twice and you can still get the item, then that item is not worth restocking. :laughingsmiley:


On a more serious note, if you can haggle it down and still get the item, why not? It's just that for me, if your profit margin for something is low, you should only do it if you find it fun.


I myself don't bother with restocking because 1. I'm not good at it 2. It's not fun for me. What I do to get easy money is snipe shop wiz stuff and TP stuff and it can get me WAY more money than I'd do restocking. :) And I have fun doing it as well.

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Im just going to take a random item from the shop. So, Quiggle Strongman sells for around 1.2k, npc store ask for 877. thats a 400ish profit margin. Now I can negotiate it down to 658 per unit. Since my rs style is mass buying, saving 200 np would basically mean a 200np extra profit per item, at the expense of more time needed to buy the items. Is it still worth it?

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It depends on a few things: how much the item is selling for, how much it's worth and how many there are in stock.



I usually restock in the food shop. You don't make millions in profits, but I always turn a profit from what I sell, even if it's only 100k in a month. However, the food shop does sell neggs, one of the most profitable items. The better items usually restock in smaller quantities. It is not unusual for a single orange negg to appear during a restock. When something like this pops up, I am going to type the quickest price that is under the asking price. Say the orange negg is going for 4500np. It's market value on the SW is around 25k. I'm going to haggle at 4444 np. I probably could have gotten it for a few hundred np less, but I would rather increase my chance at a 21K profit by being fast rather than trying to save those few hundred np.


Now, if it's an item that I'd only make a couple hundred np profit on and there's more of them, I'll haggle a little more. 32 cans of Neocola may show up in a restock with an asking price of 654. A can of Neocola is worth between 800-1000np. Since there are so many of them in the shop and my profit won't be that big, I will take the chance in trying to haggle lower/more than once. I may try 444 first because it's fast to type and would increase my profit to almost 600np. But as it is 210np lower than the asking price, it's very unlikely I'd get it. However, it would bring the price down lower for me to negotiate from there.


This method requires a bit of knowledge about the items that stock in the shop you restock at. This way, you know the profit margins and can decide whether you want to take the chance in multiple hagglings.


Another thing you may want to take into consideration in your shop size. A person with a small shop that can only hold a few items may want items that make more of a profit, so saving more during haggling is important. A person with a bigger shop (as you have) may want to save the time by haggling less and getting more of the item. I could get 1 can of Neocola at a 500 np profit, or, 5 cans at a 100 np profit and make the same amount. The first one takes up less shop space. Also, I like to keep my shop diverse and have many different kinds of things. I've seen shops that will sell 2000 of one item. It's up to you how you choose to restock.

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i sometimes restock in the card section.

if you have plenty room in your shop then i recommend not to haggle more then 1 time.

if you haggle a few times then it takes you more time, if for example a card with profit comes 15 times in the store then with 1 time haggle you can buy 5 or 6 items of them, and if you try to haggle more then you can for example only buy 2 or 3 of them because it takes more time and the profitable ones are gone.


only the not very profitable ones remain, but i have now learned that i can earn more with playing games and habitarium then with restocking low profitable cards (with profit of 300 or 400 np)



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