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Switching Neomails on all accounts?

Lady Lyuba

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I know you can change your email on your Neopets account, but what about all of them? I have a main and three sides, and recently I lost access to my current email I use on all the accounts. So I want to change the email for all of them to fit a different email address I can access. But if I were to chnage the email on each account, from my main to my most recent created side, would TNT catch on and think I was up to something fishy? I can't change them all at once, after all. I'd basically like to know if I can do this without TNT getting suspicious. I'm still trying to gain access to my current email, but if I can't; I'll want to switch everything. Any suggestions?

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I don't think there's anything suspicious about changing your e-mail addresses. Many people do it on a regular basis to protect themselves from account theft. I've changed mine all at once before with no repercussions, so I would imagine it's okay :)

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I know you can change your email on your Neopets account, but what about all of them? I have a main and three sides, and recently I lost access to my current email I use on all the accounts. So I want to change the email for all of them to fit a different email address I can access. But if I were to chnage the email on each account, from my main to my most recent created side, would TNT catch on and think I was up to something fishy? I can't change them all at once, after all. I'd basically like to know if I can do this without TNT getting suspicious. I'm still trying to gain access to my current email, but if I can't; I'll want to switch everything. Any suggestions?


I recommend switching immediately if you lost access to your old e-mail. They shouldn't suspect anything fishy at all, since all those accounts were initially linked to one email, anyway.


I think it'd be more suspicious if you changed only one of your accounts e-mails, actually.

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Isn't the idea that your main and sides should all be attached to the same email? When I changed mine I made sure to change them all, as I thought TNT might find it strange that my accounts were on different email addresses.


Thing is though if someone can access your e-mail address you'll most likely lose them all. I have different e-mail's and passwords for every side, just in case one of my accounts is compromised.

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Thanks for all the tips, and if I can't get back to my current email, I'll switch them all. However, I had no old email before the one I'm using now, but I do have new emails. And to change them all on a regular basis is a very smart thing to do!


And that's a good idea, Tank Girl....but I'll probably just stick with all on one.


I've switched the email for two of my 4 accts, but I have lost the words for the other two. What can I do?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've switched the email for two of my 4 accts, but I have lost the words for the other two. What can I do?


That's a sticky situation. Are you sure you can't access your old email at all, since I think that's the only way you can recover your password.


I guess the other option is to send in a support ticket to TNT, explain your situation and supply evidence that the two side accounts are really yours (so make sure you have details about them that you can't

view through the lookups, such as how much money in the bank, an expensive item you have in the inventory/sbd or if you made any purchase for NC online, show a record of that purchase from your bank statement/paypal log (just the receipient, date and amount might be sufficient but just in case, include bank logo for more credibility).


I don't expect TNT to reply quickly though.

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I did exactly that, with all info, vividly and even with screenshots. Stil haven't checked lately but it's unlikey they can do anything to help. Luckily I found a way that might be able to get me back into my old e-mail. Once that's done it's just a matter of figuring out how to get my passwords reset WITHOUT logging out!

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