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Feels guilty


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Congrats! :D I'm hoping I get one from the daily so I can use it for my sea account.


My latest splurge was last week. I spent roughly 100k on stamps/album items. Other than that, all my splurges have been fairly small for the last year. (Except for a complete lab may for my main account. Oh, and a Desert PB for Aitvara.)

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My main splurge is usually the Wheel of Extravagance, which I occasionally spin. I was also collecting PB's for a while but when they got up in the millions I decided to hold out. Congrats on your plushie find!

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Ooh lovely :D I'm hoping for one from the Daily as well, even though so far I've only gotten 1np books ¬_¬ lol


My last goal splurge was on my Mara PB which cost 5mil and a UB worth 700K ^_^ I would have reached my goal sooner but I bought 2 Maps when the prices dropped... That was my recent guilty splurge :P

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WooW. Dropping 9 mil at once would make me panic a little. I'm still debating whether to drop the 10 mil or not for the last HT book avvie. I can't bring myself to part with it. every so often I'll drop 50-100k on my gallery and 100 on the stupid WoExtravagence everyday until I get the darn avatar

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Okay I don't feel guilty any more. I sold it and ended up making a 50k profit. I will just wait until I get the plushie from the daily.


Haha nicely done! ;) I hope they're still giving them out and it wasn't just a short term thing :/

I got another 1np book today, sigh.

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I spent a good 10-12m on PBs and various other customizations for my pets a couple weeks ago. Most of it is sitting in my closets or SDB until I get most of what I need; not to mention transferring the right pet to the right account. lol...I have too much time on my hands.


Since I finally found someone willing to trade me a Draik Trans Potion for a decent price, I've been a bit of a spendthrift.

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