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So mostly in the media and social sites people have been using words that have been offensive in the past today as a friendly term, or words that are non offensive in a offensive tone. Two words that I would like to focus one because it is being debated on the hot seat by many schools are:


Gay- Gay meant happy a few years back. Today it is an offensive and rude word just said whenever in replacement of the word stupid.


The 'N' Word- I'm not sure about other countries, but the 'N' word is a word that was used to denote the humanity of Negroes in America. Today it is used as a friendly term to call buddies or friends.


Gay started out positive and is today negatively while the 'N' word started out negative, at that time neutral really but I hope none of us are racists, but I respect anyone's opinion, and today is used positively.


The debate is, is it really okay for these words to be used like that or what are your thoughts on it? There might be other words there (and please post any other ones you might have), but these two are prominent in my mind right now, I'm also not sure if I can use curse words, but just to be sure.


The 'N' word is usually used as a replacement for othr bad words, and the word 'gay' is normlly used as an insult by people. I was on a website with a chat on it today, and evryone was saying "Oh you're gay" "GAY GAY GAY" "dude ur gay" and things like that. Gay is not an insult. It either means happy, or attracted to the oppisite gender.


"Oh you're gay" "GAY GAY GAY" "dude ur gay"



Well they may not mean it as an insult, or they may not mean it as such, but to others saying this would definitely have a negative idea on people who are gay. "Oh you're so gay" Is pretty popular, but what message does it really convey? It's not okay to be gay. You're acting in a certain manner that is defined gay.


We did a debate about this and most people said that 'gay' was just a replacement for the word stupid in most cases they use it. So translating that to "Oh you're so gay-stupid" Are gay people stupid? And etc. just relate them.


I'm sorry, I looked back on your post and read it as a counter-argument, but here's some more explanation for those that don't understand the issue quite as well, or at least some insight.


I don't use either words--'gay' or the N word. I don't know why people are so intent on using those words. There are plenty of others, it's just herd mentality to me.


People can argue that it's just a replacement, but those particular words have been chosen as a reason.


I think people are a bit oversensitive about words like gay and the related f----t; for example, I call things 'gay' all the time because it's easier than saying an actual curse word, but it's most definitely not because I think homosexual is an insult. I know I shouldn't but it's habit when everyone I know does it. And I don't regularly speak to any homophobes; quite the opposite. P:


As for the N word, I dunno. I never use that word personally, but I hear black people say it all the time. Actually there are some at my work who will call anyone their "n-word," even me, and I'm pretty much as "white" as white gets haha.


It just depends on the relationship between the two people and the context of the conversation, imo.


Gay- Gay meant happy a few years back. Today it is an offensive and rude word just said whenever in replacement of the word stupid.

I, personally, never known that gay is happy.

In my place, 'gay' usually means a guy who looks... I have difficulty explaining, but if get the idea, that's good!

'Gay' can also mean two guys... I'm at a loss of words.


And I don't think 'gay' is a replacement for stupid. Anyway, the word 'gay' is not seen as an offensive word in my place. It's not so much to be even considered an insult here. I guess it's so commonly used in everyday lives (except I'm not a type of person who uses them) that it is widely accepted in society.


I don't even know what's the N word is... so I have no opinions about it.


In my opinion, it all comes down to the context of the conservation, as stated by Yuika. However I feel that it's not right to use all these words, especially curse words. I see curse words flying among my classmates and schoolmates almost everyday, although some claim it's okay to use it. I don't!


Using 'gay' as a replacement is becoming more easy and acceptable in society, gay is not only an emotion but also a way people life their lives, or are born. It's just like saying "Oh you're so Catholic" and making it in common, of course people are going to respond negatively somehow. So why use it in the first place? Of course I'm not criticizing all of you're personal lives, and I did make a habit of this too, until I start changing it.


F----t is also a good example as I hear it in schools being thrown around both jokingly and very threateningly, but both do still have the negative connotation of gays, unintentionally.


To Evil Bunny: Next time you here someone say "That's so gay" ask them what do they mean, they might feel shocked, but more likely, they will say "That's stupid", if not I'm interested in what their response is, and the context is too. The N word started with American slavery or around that time (I'm not sure if America is the only country that has this word) but this word was basically a way of telling the African slaves that they were "less human" by their Caucasian masters. It did have a very racist beginning and now, people use it as "Hey my n----r" Knowing full well of the word's origin and meaning.


I'm sorry if I came off too sensitive about this topic, but it is interesting that it has become socially acceptable and I really am just interested on how others view this. I'll try to handle all sides more carefully.


I don't think you're being "too sensitive". People who claim such are usually those who never have to deal with being called those names just because of who they are.


Being a lover of were words originate and how words are used, I never view these swear words as negative unless they're being used in anger. Any word used in anger can become a profanity. Most of the swear words were have in our vocabulary, I use only when I'm really happy--removing the negativity of the words.


So if a dude calls be a female dog I'm like thanks cause you don't mess with a female dog--they'll rip yer face off. And when ever I'm angry at someone I call them things like ladles and tea cozies.


No one wants to be a tea cozy, yo


To Evil Bunny: Next time you here someone say "That's so gay" ask them what do they mean, they might feel shocked, but more likely, they will say "That's stupid", if not I'm interested in what their response is, and the context is too. The N word started with American slavery or around that time (I'm not sure if America is the only country that has this word) but this word was basically a way of telling the African slaves that they were "less human" by their Caucasian masters. It did have a very racist beginning and now, people use it as "Hey my n----r" Knowing full well of the word's origin and meaning.

According to my friends, all of them had the same idea as me of what 'gay' means, and they also don't think 'gay' means stupid. Maybe different countries have different perspectives on the word 'gay'. And mine is... as mentioned in my previous post. I just don't like saying it.


Oh... I might never get what the N word is... I don't think I've heard of it in my place...


And call me Ain by the way! ^_^


Hmm, I have insight on how both of those terms are offensive to the parties that receive them.


Being half jamaican, I see all the time black people calling eachother the N word but heaven forbid someone of another race say it, everything goes to the dogs. I think the N word just shouldn't be used, it was once a racial slur and it cannot just be changed into "buddy" just because one feels like it's okay if they say it because they are African American.


That's like a homosexual person walking up to other homosexuals saying "Hey, what's up f----t!"


It just doesn't make any sense. The N word was never anything good so it shouldn't be used with any type of positive connotation in these times.


As far as the word gay, I have quite a few people in my family who are in the homosexual community. They call themselves gay, they don't see it as insult.

I do hear people use it as a sort of insult to say something is strange or out of place. I also hear it used when something happens that someone doesn't like.



"I got a detention, ugh that's so gay."


So I see where people would see it suddenly being used as insult instead of being used just as happy or as a word for someone of the homosexual community.


I don't really have a stand on it because I don't use it. I don't use it in replacement of a curse word, or to say something's stupid or to protest against something I don't agree with.


I use it according to the only two definitions I have ever known, for happiness and for peopel of the gay community.




I live in San Francisco, for those that do not know it is in California, and it is blessed with a wonderful palate of different races and also a a larger gay percentage than other cities.


The N word is being used by numerous of different races from Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Pacific-Islander, Native American, Middle Eastern, or Irish in here. It just has become so socially acceptable, but do people only use it people their friends do? I mean, it's a choice.


Using gay in your sentences has also become socially acceptable amongst teens and some young adults but gay adults have been really watching out for gay teens that may been just listening to their friends inserting this word into this sentence and not know what it really means to them. I have talked to many adults about this but I just wanted to know if using gay maybe one of the reasons gay teen's suicide rates are higher. I also noticed that gay teens themselves have used gay in their sentences so it may not affect them at all, or they are just trying to fit in. :eh:


I find it extremely ironic how 50 years ago the N word was taken as such an insult and nowadays I hear people (even those who are black) saying it all the time. Blows my mind how people can be ignorant enough to use a racial slur so casually. Throwing it around won't change the true meaning it holds. Disappoints me that it's become socially acceptable. I can only imagine how an African American who lived through that racism must feel hearing it all the time.


I've only known one person who used the N word lightly, she'd call everyone she sees "Hey, N-er" but we all knew she didn't mean it insultingly...and honestly I don't think many people care anymore when people call them names..I don't like using dirty language in my day to day speech, but I know a lot of people who do, and nobody they interact with seems to care that much.


I'm not really likely to tolerate being called the n-word by anyone unless they are extremely close, and even then it's questionable.. I had a friend make the mistake of attempting to use it "ironically" and I pretty much lost it on him because of the context.. The word hasn't lost it's historical meaning just because people in pop culture use some derivative of it.. It mostly comes down to context and the persons mood.


Treat people how they want to be treated.. If your AA friend doesn't care, then it's between you two, but there are some that do care.. Race does play a large part in this since it's the most racially charged word in the english language, so I'd keep that in mind.


Being a high school student, I hear 'gay' all the time- every time a teacher hears it they have a cow. I personally don't like it- I have relatives who are 'gay' and they find that when they hear it used as a replacement for stupid, it's saying they're stupid. But, if you are literally saying someone is gay, I don't mind. As for the 'n' word, I don't like it. I'm white, but the nicest person I've ever known is black- so I don't find it cool to say it, it's offensive to me even though I don't fall into that color. But besides, I don't find either appropriate, no matter how much I hear it. I always say 'How would you feel if you were gay, and someone called a passing tree gay?" because I don't think it's okay.


Using the word "gay" to mean "stupid" is really immature in my opinion. Partly because it brings to mind 13-year-old boys on XBox Live who shout it every two seconds. But also just the implications behind it. The only difference between saying "You're so gay" and saying something like "You're such a Jew" to someone is that the former is more socially acceptable for some reason.


Yes, using Jew or calling others a Jew for no apparent reason is the same thing. Why is it socially acceptable now?


Though I don't hear Jew being used as often, I did hear it more often a few years back.


In my opinion, 'gay' isn't a bad word, infact it's what i call my brothers daily xD

the N word, on the other hand, I think is a cuss word. Nobody likes to be made fun of, especially for something as petty as the color of their skin.


I call my friend gay all the time, but that's only because he is actually homosexual haha. But yes, i do not people who use the word offensively, to mean that you are homosexual and therefore somehow less than a person? I'm not really sure but I defnitely know people who use it offensively. Like everyone is saying, it is a lot about context.


As for the N word, I have never used it and most probably never will because I am white as white. And I don't think it is appropriate for me to use it.


They're all offensive because they've been used to oppress a group of people for no good reason.


Just because you use it all the time doesn't make it right. You can substitute it with anything (woman, retard, gay, N word, jewish) the list goes on an on.


People shouldn't use them, in my opinion.


They're all offensive because they've been used to oppress a group of people for no good reason.


Just because you use it all the time doesn't make it right. You can substitute it with anything (woman, retard, gay, N word, jewish) the list goes on an on.


People shouldn't use them, in my opinion.


People are going to use these words no matter what. This is just human nature. Therefore, I believe that stand up comics have got it right. If you can't kill it, make it less about being offensive, and more about being funny. For example, when I hear a black comedian on TV saying "Cracker" or "Honky" or any other derogatory term for a white man, I do not take offense to it. At the same time, I really don't take offense to it if someone was up in my face saying it. I think that today, people are far too sensitive. That is a huge weakness, if your gay, and someone makes fun of you for it, and you get mad, or angry. That is what they want. That is the reaction they are looking for. So, in turn. You just let them win, by getting all angry about it. However, the word "Gay" has taken on a new meaning a few times now. It went from being "Happy", to being homosexual, and now...the term "gay" is used just as a way to diss something you don't like. "Hey, Have you heard that new Lady GaGa song......It's so gay." They aren't meaning happy, or homosexual. They just mean the song sucks. Right or wrong, we can't change that these words are going to be used. The only thing we can change, is how we react when they are.


Look at how many young gay people have committed suicide for being chastised for who they are. It's not as easy for them to just brush it off and act like it's nothing or that the "meaning has changed". It hasn't.


What would you say to those people if you could? They should have reacted differently?


Words all have a history, most with people being beaten, killed, enslaved and having their rights taken away. That should be taken into consideration, imo.


I just don't understand why something negative has to be described as "gay" when there are many other words to choose from if you don't like something.


To each their own , but I'd hope people are more considerate of others as a majority than what is being let on.


Look at how many young gay people have committed suicide for being chastised for who they are. It's not as easy for them to just brush it off and act like it's nothing or that the "meaning has changed". It hasn't.


What would you say to those people if you could? They should have reacted differently?


Words all have a history, most with people being beaten, killed, enslaved and having their rights taken away. That should be taken into consideration, imo.


I just don't understand why something negative has to be described as "gay" when there are many other words to choose from if you don't like something.


To each their own , but I'd hope people are more considerate of others as a majority than what is being let on.


I'm not saying its right to do. But it's something that we have to accept as part of life. No matter how "aware" people become, or how soft people get, there are people out there who are going to use these words. I don't condone hurting people in any way, but the fact is nothing we can do will change that it's going to happen.


Words can be hurtful, we all know that. But there is a point when responsibility comes into play. If a teenager commits suicide because of people picking on him/her, it doesn't happen overnight. The argument that we should all stop using these words will be about as effective as the argument that there should be world peace. It's just not going to happen. What should be done though, is to educate parents, teachers, and even other teenagers on the signs of that sort of severe depression which leads to suicide, so that they can do more to help prevent this kind of thing from happening. That is a more realistic approach imo.


It's just that using these words have become so prevalent that people just don't know how to control themselves anymore.


Educate the youth, start with the youth about using these words and why they shouldn't be used and maybe they'll learn not to use them as adults. The youth has so much power to change the world, and we just don't take that into account. That's why music, fashion, and the way words are used because of them.


My little opinion aside, if we catch our own children saying these words, they might change and change their peers. Like a ripple effect.

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