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Oh lordy, the Monotony


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I'm pretty sure its been spinning for ten hours. I read somewhere that the wheel varies between an hour and eternity so I'm just going to let it keep spinning until the next round of neo dallies start I guess! Haha, I usually take my midmorning nap after the wheel stops so I was almost at a loss for what to do. Do I wait? Do I sleep? Do I do something else? I slept This is the longest the wheels gone for me eva!


Anyone else have long wheel time stories?

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10 hours?! Wow. I've never heard of it spinning that long before. The longest I've ever heard is 5 hours O.o

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I can't remember if I started the Wheel during Meet the Press or Way Too Early but either way, u_u yeah! I have a feeling its just glitching and its gunna spin foooooooooooorever. I must have been working out before I spun lol.I'm just going to let it keep going until its Neotomorrow when I do all the Wheels pffft. Five hours is pretty long but this is redunkulous.

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I went to take a nake, and it turned into full blown sleep XD EEEee that would be so rad if I got a brush out of this. Too bad I don't like Tyrannian Gelerts or I'd use it on Squiddles. They're just too loud! So much going on >:I Its like lol let's stick everything vaguely prehistoric on this thing and its like fft no. I'd prolly save it in my Storage box and find someone who really want it and trade them for some gallery items I need.

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I went to take a nake, and it turned into full blown sleep XD EEEee that would be so rad if I got a brush out of this. Too bad I don't like Tyrannian Gelerts or I'd use it on Squiddles. They're just too loud! So much going on >:I Its like lol let's stick everything vaguely prehistoric on this thing and its like fft no. I'd prolly save it in my Storage box and find someone who really want it and trade them for some gallery items I need.


There's no Tyrannian Xweetok yet and no Tyrannian Pet that I really liked, so off to the Auctions it went! *starting at 100NP obviously. That's not a typo*

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That's amazing that it yielded so much from 100nps! I'm worried 'cause you can get it from the wheel that its value declined so people wouldn't be interested but eueue that's a lot of points! I'm surprised they don't have one for Xweetoks yet--they'd be so fuzzy and cute! I like a few of Tyrannian pets like Lupe and Lenny but they don't fit my Squid theme so nopes

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Haha I already have the avatar ID but I <3 the wheel so. And yeah, mine usually is three hours XD It never did stop. When it was 3 am I just closed it out and started the dallies. I'm spinning a new one now so hopefully it'll work today! Fingers crossed

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Sometimes it does glitch and would spin for days. If it hasn't stopped after 4 hours, I usually reload and try again. Though, by the time it's done, it's usually anywhere from 5-7 hours total. I usually don't even bother now that I have the avvie.

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