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Negative neopoints?


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I have this annoying problem on neopets: Randomly, my neopoints go to -300. Yes, MINUS 300 neopoints. This 'thing' is annoying, since it takes 300 neopoints to get back to 0. It happens very much, so i lose quite a lot neopoints on it. (I don't have any prinstscreens right now.) It is always -300. I don't know what it is, and how to solve it. It also seems to deacrease the HP of my neopet.

Does anybody know how to solve it? Thanks.

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Well, I know that there are some random events that can take away Neopoints, like the Icy Skeletons one for example, but this doesn't sound like your situation... Have you seen any random events associated with it?


No. Just -300 neopoints without a reason. I tought neopoints couldn't go negative?

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Neopoints can go negative if you're hit by an RE that takes NP, but have less than the amount they take on hand. However, I've never heard of something quite like this. Always exactly the same, an hurting your pet? It's bizarre, to say the least. I'd send a bug report to TNT.

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Is it possible that you never properly activated your account?

I think I recall that similar problems occured if you forget to validate your account by clicking on a link in a email they send you after you register.


If you have not received your activation code, please check your spam email folder to make sure that it wasn't marked as spam. If your activation code isn't in your spam folder, please check to make sure that the email address you used when you signed up is correct by checking your email preferences here. Then, you can request another activation email be sent by visiting this page: (http://www.neopets.com/activate.phtml).
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I had that problem when doing dailies for a while, submitted the ticket (had it like 3-4 days in a row, variable amounts) submitted the ticket, had it once more and it went away. Just try submitting a ticket. :)


What do you mean by 'Submitting a ticket'? Sending a report?

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