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Locked Chests of Mystery


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I always slightly panic when I see I've gotten a neomail from TNT, even though I know I haven't done anything wrong. It's kind of like opening a mail from the police for me. XD Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to see this message this morning:


Hey! We're sending this Neomail because we want to give you a Locked Chest of Mystery! You see, there was a glitch during the Krawk Island searching phase and some of the people who completed that

phase didn't get all 8 chests as promised. D'oh. Since you were one of those people, we've put the missing chest(s) in your inventory. If you don't want them, please feel free to discard them! We

just wanted to make sure you got them since you earned 'em fair and square.


Sorry for the mishap, and thanks for lending Gavril a hand! Although, doesn't he seem a bit... nah. Never mind.


The Neopets Team


Who else got this? It's always nice to see TNT admit and fix their mistakes, and be creative about it as well. Ah, gotta love em.

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I don't really use Neocash either. XD So I don't have much use for these things. Still kind of cool to have them anyway.

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i got this neomail too.


i cannot see clearly why they should give everyone the chest.. its not everyone can or want to open it anyway.

but on the other side, i know it would make things easier for them to distribute it to everyone and advising anyone who did not want to open it to discard it.


oh, i can clearly see the fate of the chest now.. ^_^

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i got this neomail too.


i cannot see clearly why they should give everyone the chest.. its not everyone can or want to open it anyway.

but on the other side, i know it would make things easier for them to distribute it to everyone and advising anyone who did not want to open it to discard it.


oh, i can clearly see the fate of the chest now.. ^_^


Some people complained because they bought the 8-pack of keys but didn't get to use all of their keys, so they needed to make sure everyone got all of their chests. :P

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I don't think I completed it properly but congratulations, it's always exciting to get something you didn't realize you were getting. And I'm with you about always being nervous when you get a message from them. I occasionally get messages for getting the Lenny Conundrum correct but I always think it's going to be something bad at first.

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I didn't get this, I think because I missed one of the island-hunting days so I didn't officially "complete" it. (Stupid job interfering with the important things I have to do....) But I also know that feeling of panic when I see a message from TNT in my events bar. Scares the crap outta me.


I even freak when I get a receipt for a NC purchase. I should know it's coming, but I use NC so infrequently that I always forget...speaking of which, I have 7 chests of mystery to go discard. :whistle:

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Paige, m'girl! Why yes, I am. XD I didn't know you were. Nice to see you here, though!


Thanks everyone. Glad I'm not the only one that gets scared of a neomail from little old TNT. :P

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LOL I feel the same way about mail from neopets. Yes I got the same message and I am also one of the few that does not use nc, but I figure that I will keep them in me sdb in case I ever get some free nc lol. it is too bad you cannot sell them oh well

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Haha I always freak out when getting messages from them. It almost feels as bad as when I got called to the principals office as a kid.


I knowww. I get the same heart racy feeling as when there's a cop tailgating me.


Yeah, I got it too.


Why do we need 8? I mean, some of us don't even have enough NC to open even 1 chest.


They're trying to make the most money that they can off this event. They know people that can afford to will buy the keys to open the chests.


Well I just got mine late last night so I guess I did complete it. The neomail just got to me a bit later.


Congrats on getting it! :D


LOL I feel the same way about mail from neopets. Yes I got the same message and I am also one of the few that does not use nc, but I figure that I will keep them in me sdb in case I ever get some free nc lol. it is too bad you cannot sell them oh well


Yeah, this no trade thing is stupid. They would probably make more money from it if you could trade them. Maybe I'll ask my friends for Neocash for my next birthday or something, hahah. Oh what an embarrassing conversation that would be.

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I have the treasure chests and weakened and bought some nc cash cards but wouldn't you know it....There are no skeleton keys for sale at the NC Mall

I was on here too to find out if the keys are still available. Did I wait too long to open them? I can't find the keys anywheree aw that sucks I just wanted to review the prizes to see if it would be worth it for me to get more NC, but now that I can get NC, I can't get keys :(

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I know. :/ I checked the NC Mall yesterday and they were gone, and I was like, "Seriously? While the event is still happening?" Way to lose money, TNT. Smartttt.

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