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Got the packrat avvie...now what?


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I'm sure this is a question somebody else has asked before, but I'm curious and a bit stumped. What's the best way to get rid of all the extra junk I have in my SDB now that I've acquired the long-sought-after avatar? I certainly don't have the shop space to sell it all at a reasonable pace.


I basically threw everything I came across that wasn't a duplicate item into my SDB, so many of the items are discard-worthy junk, others worth a couple thousand NPs. So how have other people cleared out their SDBs? Has anyone here opted to just keep all the items, in case of some unforseen event (like needing to earn the avatar again on a new account)?

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I still have mine because I'm lazy...I don't think there's a trick to it. Maybe I'll try clearing 50 items a day, starting with all the sand/snowballs/gross foods.

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I have a great majority of my items still left over. When my shop empties I go through pages of my SDB and take out items, stocking anything over a certain value then discarding the rest until I have a shop full of items. It breaks the tedious task into manageable chunks ;)

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