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Anyone actually going to the San Diego Comic Con?

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Neo mentioned being there on Sunday so I was wondering if anyone was attending. I live in San Diego and have been going every year for the past 8 or 9 years. This is the first year I won't be able to attend due to...CC being a giant butthead and not getting their servers fixed like they said they would and *rant rant mutter mutter shake fist*. I'm a little (that's a understatement) peeved that I won't get to be there but I'm hoping maybe someone on the forums will be there on Sunday to check out the Neo booth and possibly report back? :D


a friend of mine is going ... but obviously I can't do that because I live on the other half of the globe ...


a friend of mine is going ... but obviously I can't do that because I live on the other half of the globe ...


Ah, that stinks. D: It's so much fun but it's a worse feeling when you're only 5 miles from the convention center and watching everyone on tv and practically next door and...*sob* I want to go so badddd. T_T

Anyway. Is your friend going on Sunday?


yeah I think so .. she's going for Neopets


Sweet. I hope it's worth it. Maybe she'll get a drawing or something.


I'd have really loved to go this year because of the Doctor Who panel and Matt Smith being there. :3


But alas, Florida is too far away and I'm always a day late or a buck short.


I'd have really loved to go this year because of the Doctor Who panel and Matt Smith being there. :3


But alas, Florida is too far away and I'm always a day late or a buck short.


Aww, I'm sorry to hear. It is quite likely that I won't be going again, to be honest. Comic Con is about two mess ups short of being completely dead to me.

Sweet. I hope it's worth it. Maybe she'll get a drawing or something.


she had to cancel .. the passes were given to her by a friend but they're not in her name ... so they won't let her in ... they said this year they're confiscating passes if they don't match your ID ... they are causing lots of problems especially that they sell out a year in advance ...

she had to cancel .. the passes were given to her by a friend but they're not in her name ... so they won't let her in ... they said this year they're confiscating passes if they don't match your ID ... they are causing lots of problems especially that they sell out a year in advance ...


Yeah, they're really upping security. I truly hope they get around to expanding the convention center so tickets won't be so impossible to get.


I heard that my favorite wrestler (CM Punk) had a confrontation against Triple H there.


But in other words, no, it's way too far for me to go there.


It's kind of weird to me that they have wrestlers there now. I guess I'm still living in the past when this was actually a COMIC convention. XD

heard that my favorite wrestler (CM Punk) had a confrontation against Triple H there.


what does WWE have to do with Comic-con .. really ? <_< it's a sell-out ... and I don't like wrestling .. bleh :mellow:


what does WWE have to do with Comic-con .. really ? <_< it's a sell-out ... and I don't like wrestling .. bleh :mellow:


Absolutely nothing. And I completely agree. Part of the reason I don't like it as much as I used to. It used to be about the artists and panels and stuff. Now it's about, well...anything and everything commercial.


In the past comic cons, they had models/toys there. Thats why WWE are there, they're working with Mattel due to their new release of toys.


Like, action figures and stuff? Huh, that's kind of interesting.


I wish I could but alas, I don't live near San Diego and can't drive there. Maybe next year as a Summer trip.


If you manage to get tickets, let me know! XD


Ugh... I wish. I'm in Florida too. If I could afford the plane ticket I would so be there. So many actors and writers I love...


Ugh... I wish. I'm in Florida too. If I could afford the plane ticket I would so be there. So many actors and writers I love...


Yeah, I hear ya. I'm about 10 minutes away and it sucks a lot worse being that close and not being able to go. x_x


I wish I could go, but only for [adult swim] and neopets xD

I probably have the money for one pass or ticket, but I live on the other side of the country. x_x This means flights are hella expensive (at least $500 for one person).


I wish I could go, but only for [adult swim] and neopets xD

I probably have the money for one pass or ticket, but I live on the other side of the country. x_x This means flights are hella expensive (at least $500 for one person).


Oh, yikes. Yeah, it's definitely not worth $500, although the rest of San Diego is worth the trip.

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