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Improving my BD set?

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My current BD set looks like this:


Ylanas Blaster

Hanso Charisma Charm

Honey Potion

Greater Healing Scroll


Scarab Ring

2x Sand Snowball



I'm looking to improve my set, and am willing to spend up to 600k maybe? Any recommendations for what I should go for next? (:


Secondly, how important are bombs in a battle set exactly? I bought the Honey Potion at 400k a few weeks ago, and I was debating whether to sell it now for profit, or keep it as part of my battle set? I still haven't been able to beat the Giant Ghostkerchief with it haha :P


And finally for now, how long does it usually take for prices to go back down to normal after a plot? I'm not too keen on buying stuff now when the prices are inflating, but I'm pretty much getting prepared for after the plot, if there is one.


Thanks in advance! (:

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First of all, you can get rid of that scarab ring. That will literally be a waste of a turn if you have Hanso's Charm on you as well.


There isn't much room for improvement with only 600k...A Randomly Firing Freeze Ray is a must for a freezer, that should be only about 250k. Also, A purple sticky hand for a stealer. You're really at the point where the price for upgrades jumps up several million. :/


As far as bombs go: I love them. They're great on a turn where your opponent is frozen. Unfortunately the next good bomb after HP is Rainbow Clockwork Grundo which is a few mill. I love using my G-bomb.


Price Situation: Prices will PLUMMET. You might be asking for the price you paid for, but most people will only pay the deflated price.

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Thanks for the replies so far! Been really busy so hadn't got around to replying till now, heh.


Yep, I know about the battlepedia, but I was asking so I'd know more information as well :) Thanks though!



I usually keep to 1p battledome. Stats are:

Level: 68

Health: 135

Strength: 99

Defence: 91



Righto, I think I'll consider getting that freezer :) Stealers aren't very essential for 1p battledome I suppose?


So, about them bombs, since I'm at the stage where I'm pretty far from the next upgrade, would be it be better to just upgrade the Honey Potion to a Ylanas Blaster, like mike suggested, or Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting? Would that negate the use for my Hanso Charisma Charm though? :P


Oh and is the Charm enough of a blocker? Or should I invest in a Sophies Magic Hat or Patched Magic Hat as well? Which would be better though; I honestly don't see the difference between them either...


And finally, I just left the scarab ring there as I had nothing much else to put in anyway :P Sorry for the spammage of questions!

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Eh, it really just depends on the 1P challenger. Some challengers like Meerca Henchmen and Giant Ghostkerchief intentionally have something pointless in their stealing slot. Others like Black Pteri have really good stuff to steal.


To be honest, I can't give you any opinion on replacing your HP with a constant because I don't know the logic behind doing it. If you use a freezer the HP will come in handy on the frozen turn and otherwise if you want to use two constants you can use the charm and the blaster...

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