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What would your Harry Potter wand be?



18 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick your birthday!

    • January 21-February 17: Rowan
    • February 18 - March 17: Ash
    • March 18 - April 14: Alder
    • April 15 - May 12: Willow
    • May 13 - June 9: Hawthorn
    • June 10 - July 7: Oak
    • July 8 - August 4: Holly
    • August 5 - September 1: Hazel
    • September 2 - September 29: Vine
    • Answered already
  2. 2. Pick your birthday, continued

    • September 30 - October 27: Ivy
    • October 28 - November 24: Reed
    • November 25 - December 23: Elder
    • December 24- January 20: Birch
    • Answered already
  3. 3. What do you want your spells to do?

    • CEDAR -good for defensive spells
    • CHERRY - adds radiance to your wand
    • CYPRESS - a powerful wand wood
    • HORNBEAM - good for defensive spells
    • MAHOGANY -adds stability to your wand
    • MAPLE -adds resilience to your wand
    • PINE - a strong wand wood
    • REDWOOD - strong, tough wood
    • ROSEWOOD - adds radiance to your wand
    • WALNUT - adds strength to your wand

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So, the last Harry Potter movie is coming out tonight (Year 7, Part 2) and I found this on the internet and thought it was interesting. So apparently, JKR used the Celtic Wand Wood guide for birthdays to come up with Harry, Ron and Hermione's original wands (Ron got a new one in book 2)


You also don't have to go by birthday - different wand woods have different attributes, as listed in the second question.


Known wand cores to pick from (I ran out of questions):

Dragon heartstring

Phoenix feather - only known phoenix to give feathers is Fawkes, who only gave two

Unicorn tail hair

Veela hair - makes "rather temperamental" wands, only known to be used in Fleur Delacour's wand

Thestral hair - only known from the Elder Wand - can only be used if the user has "mastered Death" and makes the wand unattached to its wielder







So, what would your wand be? My birth wood is Rowan, and I'd pick Mahogany for the handle, with a unicorn tail hair core

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I am Willow and Cypress. I want a strong wand, and I was born April 17th. I can't wait to go see Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 at 12:01 later!

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My birth wood is Hawthorn and I chose Mahogany. As for the core, I am partial to Veela hair, seeing as I come from Bulgaria :D Besides, a temperamental wand sounds like my type of wand :D


On a side note, I am going to watch the second part this Sunday and am überexcited :D

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Cool wands, guys!! :D


What did you think of the movie? I hated it, but I seem to be the only person who did. :S

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My birthwood is hazel, but that wouldn't be my first choice for a wand. My wand would be apple, with a cedar handle. I have no idea what the core would be.

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My wand would be Ash for my birthday and redwood because the last thing I want is my wand breaking.


What did you think of the movie? I hated it, but I seem to be the only person who did.


A lot of it rather annoyed me, actually. The timing was incredibly off from the book (because it did NOT take Neville that long to kill Nagini!) and with the shortened amount of book they had to work with (about 230 pages or so) they could have put a lot more effort into it. It's the shortest movie to date! But alas, I digress...

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My friend's dad made us all wands because we larp Harry Potter! My wand is a pale wood and short cause we do the height=wand length thing. Buuuut with this, my wand would be rowan wood with something fun as the cord, like Manticore Stinger or something. Though there were more Phoenix feather wands, Fawkes was just special for only giving two feathers and having both those feathers end up belonging to Voldemort cause Harry horcus connection what not.


Actually, Augurey feather is going to be my wand core. :v I must send emails to tell them aaall now! Ee!


Edit: ‎12 inches. Birch. Augurey tail feather. Unyielding but slightly crooked. This is my now official description for my larp page XD

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