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Meet The Published Neopian Times Writer


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Dear Angelo,


Congratulations! Your entry (A Study.) has been selected to appear in a future issue of the Neopian Times. A shiny trophy has been added to your user lookup. Thank you for contributing to the Neopian Times!


Yours Sincerely,

The Neopets Team




A round of soft drinks for everyone :) :) :)

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Well done, i'm still waiting to win the poetry contest. I'm going ti read it when it's really published:-)

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YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! *clap*


Congrats Angelo!! :D Are you going for the avatar?


*sips drinks*

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i would love to go for the avatar .. but 10 times is a lot .. you need a series of stories or comix to have a chance at that ...


i'm already working on my second article though ...


Congrats! I'll be looking for it.


thanks a lot Spritzie :)

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Congrats on getting accepted! :woot: That's always great news. I look forward to reading it this Friday.

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