kmccauley1991 Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Cats all the way! I like dogs too, but a dog will always be loyal, cats you have to sort of work for it and it could take years to earn thier trust, it is like building a real relationship.
Rommy Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 I flipped through a book today that said that cats are evil because the bible does not mention cats and that everyone that owns/loves/ooogles/plays with a cat will rot in hell along with their Satan-worshiping felines. END DEBATE!
wishinguponastar__x Posted August 3, 2011 Posted August 3, 2011 I think dogs lose too much fur and scare me when they bark or chase you ... Cats are nicer to stroke and the worst you can get is a scratch ... as opposited to some nasty bite from a dog :3
KtPeapod Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 I like both.. but not enough to own either, prefer to be fancy-free with no dependents!
Flygonz Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 I love both, but I'm planing on getting a cat when I move out. They're much easier to take care of, and you don't have to take them for walks.
billpika_x8 Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 Cats. Dogs always try to rip my hands off. :sad01_anim:
cokiza Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 Personally I am a dog person, cats just don't do anything exciting.
xkiyoz Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 Definitely more of a dog person. They are easier to interact with. But since I'm allergic to both, I won't be owning either in this lifetime :laughingsmiley:
Bug Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 In my opinion, neither. I personally find it preposterous how much other people spend on their pets. I've read articles online and the amount of money being spent on dogs/cats/what-have-you is crazy! I believe these funds could be better spent on other things like charity and taking care of people instead. P.P.S. Interestingly, this anti-affinity of mine with real pets is most probably why I play Neopets instead. :laughingsmiley: It costs 0 to play, notwithstanding internet connectivity costs and a computer, both of which I'd have anyway if I didn't play Neo. Please, instead of wasting valuable time on Neopets, use it to volunteer. Think of all the real live people you can be helping, instead of sitting in front of a screen "interacting" with pixels. Also, before you decide to enjoy a movie at the cinema, buy music, travel or other such nonsense, donate your disposable income to charity instead. How dare you spend money on internet connectivity when children in Haiti are starving? Preposterous. This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please keep your posts on-topic. If you have nothing to add to the original discussion, please don't post. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
Sparksbet Posted August 18, 2011 Posted August 18, 2011 I find it interesting that nearly everything said in opposition to cats in this debate has been purely based upon stereotypes and not upon actually experience. I grew up with an older cat, I've had a dog for the past three years, and recently got a kitten. I prefer cats, personally - my dog is obnoxious and fat - but I think it's far more a matter of preference, and that it's nice to own both dogs and cats, because together they give a very nice, well-rounded companionship. I can pet my dog and feed things to her and take her on walks, but I can also cuddle and play with my kitten. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, which is why they're best together. In my opinion, debates like this are nearly as pointless as boys vs. girls arguments. Neither is better than the other, they're just different. The only debate possible for these sorts of things is one of preference because you prefer certain personality traits over others and one creature or the other exhibits those more. I'd like to correct a few stereotypical but not entirely true arguments: Cats do far more than sleep and eat. In fact, both my cats, despite their major age difference, were more active than my dog, who's supposed to be in the prime of life. My kitten plays around and attacks bugs in our house (seriously, we don't have any fly problems anymore). By the way, cats WILL chase you around! My cat likes to play tag with my dog and play-attack my feet. Cats can be moody sometimes, but it's usual more of an individual thing - it's like saying all blondes are dumb or all brunettes are smart. My kitten has quite predictable, steady moods - either he's playful or sleepy. Or annoyed because of my sister. My older cat (may he rest in peace) was never moody. He was a bit territorial, especially with our neighbor's cat, but otherwise he was pretty mellow. Having had to do both, I have to say that cleaning a litterbox is much cleaner and more convenient than picking up my dog's poop in the back yard. Those are a few reasons I love cats. Of course, it's entirely a personal preference. What I hate is that many dog-lovers like to portray cat-lovers as freaky, crazy cat ladies. There are crazy cat ladies out there, of course, but there are also crazy dog hoarding men as well. The public eye casts a much friendlier view onto dogs, which I think is rather unfair. They are like men and women - they can compliment each other or tear each other apart, but neither is better than the other. Edit: Rommy, that's absolutely ridiculous. Cats aren't mentioned in the Bible, and dogs are, it's true, but dogs are hardly given a positive image - they're seen licking wounds and devouring people. Satan-worshippers sacrifice cats, actually, so whoever says that cats are Satan-worshipping is just... ignorant and weird.
justmelody Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 I'm probably more of a cat person, though I have and love both. I have one dog whom I love to pieces, but one dog is certainly enough for me. I have three cats, on the other hand, and every time one shows up in my backyard (which is surprisingly often, I live in the woods and people abandon kittens at the field across the road a lot) it's a struggle to find them homes and actually give them up instead of just immediately adopting them myself. I love my cats and how they have such completely distinct personalities. I like watching them interact with the world and themselves in such completely different ways. My dog has her own personality, too, but she's just not as... amusing as my cats, haha. Although, that being said, it is a matter of personal choice and I couldn't imagine not having dogs or cats, myself
Ruka Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 I'm more of a cat person, because my religion comes into play. My religion (should I tell my religion?) does not allow touching of dogs in any way, which means I cannot touch dogs... Sigh... Some dogs do look adorably cute and dogs are also generally quite playful! Which makes me want to have them; sadly I can't! To me, cats are just as good as dogs... I love stroking their fur and neck! And playing with their tails! Plus my grandmother's cats don't get angry = No scratches! I love the fact that one time one of her cats slept on my leg while I was asleep (my sister told me)! I like both cats and dogs (okay maybe cats more due to my religion)... but I don't think I'm capable of owning a cat just yet! But I would rather own a bunny! :)
Cookie_ Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 I prefer cats :) every cat i have ever owned has always been affectionate. I think they are easier to look after as they pretty much care for themselves. Not to say I dislike dogs as I have had a dog but, the idea of taking a dog out for a walk when it is pouring down with rain/freezing cold? no thanks :P Also, cats don't take up so much room when sleeping on your bed ^_^
dasavo Posted August 19, 2011 Author Posted August 19, 2011 I'm more of a cat person, because my religion comes into play. My religion (should I tell my religion?) does not allow touching of dogs in any way, which means I cannot touch dogs... Sigh... Some dogs do look adorably cute and dogs are also generally quite playful! Which makes me want to have them; sadly I can't! To me, cats are just as good as dogs... I love stroking their fur and neck! And playing with their tails! Plus my grandmother's cats don't get angry = No scratches! I love the fact that one time one of her cats slept on my leg while I was asleep (my sister told me)! I like both cats and dogs (okay maybe cats more due to my religion)... but I don't think I'm capable of owning a cat just yet! But I would rather own a bunny! :) Wow, I don't think I've ever heard of a religion that took a stand about pets. May I ask what your religion is, or is that too personal? I completely understand if you are unwilling to respond to that question. But you are missing out! Dogs are wonderful. How come you don't think you are capable of owning a cat? They are quite easy to take care of.
twilightprincess922 Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 I love both. I have two crazy black lab puppies we adopted when we found them wandering our back yeard (which is BML land) and couldn't find their home. They're beyond hyper, but all they wanna do is love you (: I also own a naughty little Mini Austailian Shepard, who is tiny and likes to be carried around. But she ate part of my sister's hairdryer cord, so she is not my favorite today.. I have one morbidly obese cat who refuses to go outside, since all of my other kitties have died from the coyotes. She's the smartest, but meows waaa-ayy too much. I do have a really big soft spot for cats, since I used to tell them how my day went when I was younger. Silly me (: But nothing is as comforting to me as reading a good book with a cat curled up by my side. soo.. Both(:
DeadGein Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 I choose cats. The reason for this is actually different than what I've seen posted here. My reason is, having a dog, is like having a relationship in many ways. You have to commit to the dog. You have to take it for walks, you have to constantly show it affection or it will sit at your feet, pant, and cry. The amount of time, and effort put into a dog, rivals that of the amount of time, and effort you'd put into your relationship with your girlfriend/boyfriend, or husband/wife. With a cat, you put its food out, it's litter box out. Buy it some toys, a lil cat house. Your cat will come to you a few times a day for love and affection, but then it can go and do it's own thing. it's not as big of a commitment, and not nearly as time consuming. Not saying that I hate dogs at all. I love YOUR dog. But I'd never have one of my own, because I don't have the time to make such a huge commitment. Side Note: My cat is sitting on my shoulder right now like a parrot as I write this....She sits up there all the time when im on the computer......I "TRAINED" her to do so. Training cats just takes ALOT more work than dogs, but it is possible.
fossik Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 i think i like cats more. i guess it depends on your personality though. i have both a cat and a dog. my dog is a lot of work as he is a sausage dog and so is inside a lot and needs lots of exercise. sometimes he pees inside and it's horrible but he is always loving and never ignores me and he always seems happy to see me. also he eats all leftovers which is handy, he's like a portable garbage disposal. ;) whereas my cat is a lot less work (all i have to do is put food in his bowl) and he is very chill and easy to look after. but he doesn't quite show the love that my dog does apart from at night when he sleeps practically in my bed with me. head on the pillow and everything. which is sad because he doesn't show the love but you know that he does.
Spirited Away Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 I prefer cats because they require less care. But I'm also a Dog person! Dogs are playful, I like that about them! But in a fight Dog Family vs Cat Family, cats would win =3. Lions versus wolfs, lions of course.
Welcome Back Apathy Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 BUNNIES. Buuuuunniiiiies. I'm a bunny person. But in a choice between cats and dogs, I would rather own a cat. I have some serious back problems, and I weigh less than a hundred pounds. Big dogs knock me over. Small dogs don't have good climbing skills, so they're harder for me to pet and play with since I can't bend my back. Whereas cats will jump up on my lap without hurting me. EDIT: Please ignore the dingo in this conversation. That was a special gift to me from my favorite cartoonist. I'd rather have a dingo drawing than a picture of a cat or a bunny.
Rebeka Posted October 8, 2011 Posted October 8, 2011 My sister and I have both - a kitty and a dog :) And I love them both equally. The dog (named El) is a big dog and I love going on walks with him (even though it's hard since he weght the same as I do - 121lbs - and I always have to run behind him) and the kitty (Tar) is all white, with one eye blue and one brown and he is just the cutest :wub_anim: He never leaves house, he's clean and loves to play and cuddle :) But if I had to decide .. I really couldn't. BTW: I'm allergic to all animals that have fur or hair :P This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please do not bump topics over 21 days old. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Spritzie if you have any questions regarding this action.
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