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Neopian Standards ??


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I noticed that the standards on Neopets , when it comes to competitions , are very high today compared to some years ago .. I was browsing through the old Captions and Poems , even the Art Gallery .. and boy did those feature some really bad stuff .. I'm not talking about amateurish creativity .. that is fine .. you don't need to be a cartoonist or a published author to get in .. but there was some horrible grammar .. no sense of humor (one of the winning old captions : oops i did it again) ... but these days , it's also awful how much competition there is to get in and sometimes you DO need to be a professional artist ... it's only natural considering how much the site grew over the years .. but boy do I wish I was active on the site 10 years ago (I had an account but didn't play much) ... my trophy cabinet would be FULL ...


oh and .. there were sure lots of references to the real world in the CC ... and most poems were not even about Neopets.


your thoughts :) ?

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i'm not even impressed, neopets has got 272.590.037 pets right now, and it keeps growing, wow, now it 046.......

and there are really good artist with all those players, so yeah, the standards are really high now.

neopets is not a little pet-site for an exclusive amount of players anymore, those were good times, i think <_<

they have to go back to the old standards, people who aren't professional artist/writers/etc... can't win, and that's not fair :sad02:

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*shrugs* The site is bigger than it used to be, so there's higher quality work on the site. Personally, i'm a fan of that. While it might be difficult for me to get into the Art Gallery, it pushes me to get better so I can eventually get in. If you're not good enough to get in now, work on your stuff and get better. If you can draw a stick figure, you can get better at drawing ;)


If things weren't talent-based, then everything would just be awful like the Beauty Contest :rolleyes_anim:

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i'm not even impressed, neopets has got 272.590.037 pets right now, and it keeps growing, wow, now it 046.......

and there are really good artist with all those players, so yeah, the standards are really high now.

neopets is not a little pet-site for an exclusive amount of players anymore, those were good times, i think <_<

they have to go back to the old standards, people who aren't professional artist/writers/etc... can't win, and that's not fair :sad02:

Neopets is about the same age as you. What good times are you talking about?

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What good times are you talking about?


she said "I think" ... which is another expression for "maybe" .. "I believe so" ... "I suppose" :D



@Manta : you have a point ... I don't know to draw anyway , not even stick figures ... :(

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she said "I think" ... which is another expression for "maybe" .. "I believe so" ... "I suppose" :D


you're right, i've heard many stories about the 'good'or the 'better' times of neopets, and i believe those things are true.

I think neopets has grown too big, it's not a game about pets anymore, it's about earning money, making deals, pushing money out of others, or that's it for many players, at least.

Now having a draik is a status symbol for most of the people, some want it because it is a really goodlooking neopet(me), but most think they're cool when they've got one.

Same is the trading post, the whole sniping, and much more stuff, it's because you earn status if you do it the right way, it's not about getting that one item anymore.

Here, everybody wants stuff because they've got a gallery, or a dreamy, or something else, but out there, they want it cheap, sell it, then go around and tell everybody how many NeoPoints they've got, it makes me sad sometimes... :sad02:

those are the 'good' times i were talking about, but i've only heard stories, and i think that's going to stay that way, old Neo is not going to get back, only at oldneo.com :laughingsmiley:...

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I don't know, I still see some fairly crappy entries to contests. But after I complained about it last time and got called "whiny," I just don't see the point of bringing it up anymore.


The contests that are Neo-approved (AG, NT, Spotlights) generally have really high-quality winners.


Contests that are user-approved (BC, CC) often do as well, but since it's just based on popularity/board spamming, a lot of sub-par entries end up winning.


I entered the BC with Alytria last July...this one took 1st in the bori category:


Still bothers me :laughingsmiley:

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But after I complained about it last time and got called "whiny," I just don't see the point of bringing it up anymore.


on my board you can complain all you want .. open up and let it all out :D


.this one took 1st in the bori category:


what exactly is this ?? a photoshopped cube ??? that's it ?!!!


and yes i hate how everything has become a popularity contest and just prestige !!!!



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what exactly is this ?? a photoshopped cube ??? that's it ?!!!


and yes i hate how everything has become a popularity contest and just prestige !!!!




I'm pretty sure it's the Ice Bori image, copied into paint, and then they drew an ice cube on it. <_<


Yeah, but at least BC winners don't get NPs or even lookup trophies...only the pet gets a trophy xD

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Manta, that picture is hilarious. I don't mind when bad art wins if it's funny. I've got beaten by some pretty funny pictures when I used to enter the BC too :D


Anyway, from what I have seen, many users were always trying to show off and get rare pets/items as status symbols. That's why people took screenshots of rare items they restocked, their banks, stocks etc... It's not a new thing.

Most things on neopets are about status and money anyway, aren't they? Why else would people aim for trophies, train their pets, restock, collect avatars, enter the neopian times and more? Is it not because they want to make their account more valuable?

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There is a certain sense of prestige with having loads of trophies and money and expensive pets, etc.


All those contests only award trophies ... for a start, Neopian Times writers only get trophies (unless you're published in a special issue, then you get an additional prize related to the theme of the special issue). I suppose it's only fair that the standard is higher - I doubt that people would want to read short stories that have been badly written with horrible grammar and spelling, etc. (I've never been annoyed at getting only trophies for my NT stuff ... in a way, I see them as hard-earned wages for my work)


That Bori picture's quite amusing actually; I think I've got the giggles just from looking at it :D It looks way better than anything I could actually draw :P (yeah, I really fail when it comes to drawing)

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It's also worth considering that not only has Neopets expanded with more users, but also a lot of people grew up on the site. That explains the increase in quality of the entries as well: a lot of us are older now! I think there should be a mix of quality, because there's a mix of skill level, and talented 6 year olds should have as much of a shot as 25 year olds.


As for status, I think it's always been a big part of it... It's just more obvious now that it's shifted towards pets now with wearables, exclusive species, and more colors. Expensive pets/wearables are a really ostentatious/visible aspect of a user's status. I don't think any of this is bad, just different than before.



And, Angelo:


one of the winning old captions : oops i did it again


This made me lol so much. What shouts "I'm majorly uncreative" better than plagiarizing a Britney Spears hit?

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