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Not workin :S

Tank Girl

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I recently put someone onto my blocked users list but I can still see when they post a topic and I don't want to. Help? :)


Also, is there any way of removing the 'this person has commented on this thing, wanna see?' bit? I'd rather it just didn't tell me and remained hidden completely. Is that possible?


Thanks beautiful people!! :)

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It's not an ignore at all really, is it? I can still see topics and when they've commented on stuff.


Would Ian be the person to ask/very politely complain to about this? :P :S

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Yeah it's not working for me either (Hope I'm not the one being blocked!). It is giving me the "this is blocked, wanna see anyway" thing if I click on a topic/post they've made but I'd rather it just not appear in the first place . . .

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this person has commented on this thing, wanna see?



there are lots of options here .. i got lost checking them all :D but i believe you're looking for Private Messages options ... it's in the bottom of the list ...



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That cannot be turned off. It's just a marker so you know that there is a post there and don't get confused if, say, someone's having a conversation with the blocked person, which would like like the non-blocked user is posting many times a in a row.

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lol, what she means is that while this is Ian's site, he didn't create the forums coding. It's a well-worn template. I have no idea how much it can be customized, if at all. Other than changes in appearance, anyway.

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That cannot be turned off. It's just a marker so you know that there is a post there and don't get confused if, say, someone's having a conversation with the blocked person, which would like like the non-blocked user is posting many times a in a row.


It does make sense for it to be that way... But it's still annoying :/


lol, what she means is that while this is Ian's site, he didn't create the forums coding. It's a well-worn template. I have no idea how much it can be customized, if at all. Other than changes in appearance, anyway.


I seeeeee! I noticed it was exactly the same on JN which I thought was a bit odd.


Bum :( It's a shame nothing can be done about it. I'll just hope they go away :)

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Guest iYoshinho

Do you have any more information that could actually help me? Such as who did?


Invision Power Services made this board known as IP.Board


Ian did not make it from scratch meaning he will have to work with what the admin cp has to offer. I will test it out on some other ipb sites see if it is just you guys, if not then that is just how the block system works.


EDIT: I tested it out on TDN, it only works for post, you can see topics they made but not the first post if it is them and their other posts,.


PMs and comments still show. Looking into it some more.

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Guest iYoshinho

Here is what I got so far.


When you block someone


all existing posts they made before AND after you ignored them will be hidden unless you choose the button to view.


PMs sent before you ignored the user will remain viewable


Once you block someone, they will not be able to PM you (PMs sent by him by notification (new comment, added friend etc can still be viewed)


They will be able to add you as a friend no matter what.


If you block someone after an existing conversation (PM) with multiple users, then you can see their PMs in that convo


If you block someone before a PM conversation is made, then if the ignored user makes a PM with multiple users, you will not be able to participate in it as long as he/she is in the same PM


If someone adds you to a PM conversation with multiple people and you are in the same convo as the ignored you except the ignored user did not start the convo, you will be able to see the blocked user's posts.



That is all the testing I am going to do


If you want further testing, Help yourselves, (it will be closed after 5 days though)


Make as many accounts as you need and as many posts to confirm the testing. they will not be moderated because the test forum gets removed after 5 days.

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