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<3 Thanks so much, Kaielis looks so awesome - like the dragon, knights are supposed to slay :3


Yup it is a vector. I have a tablet too but my hand isn't so steady and refined so it's kind of just collecting dust. I find that vectors offer better control when you're bad at proportions because you can always go back and tweak it if it looks funny. With tablet drawings, it's a little harder to fix because it involves re-drawing (in my opinion). Anyways, it's basically shapes you create (like using the shape tool in MS Paint) then you later it on top of each other to make one collective image. Making one can take a few hours (for one without much detail such as the one I did for Elouiah) to even 300+ hours for a really good one. I never really practiced making them because they can take so long to produce ~_~


Vectoring looks like this:





A vector that took god knows how many hours:


-she was my favorite xanga designer way back when.

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@behati: Np~


Ah... It took me forever to get used to drawing on a tablet =/. And since my desk is only and completely full of clutter, I need to draw in an odd angle, making judging the length and shape of lines rather challenging in the beginning.


I only use vectors more for my designing works since I'm a tad too lazy to click and drag the pen points to create shapes I'd otherwise be able to draw in a stroke on my tablet. But that's just me xD. It's a really wonderful skill to have though! Like that xanga designer, all you need is a ton of patience and you're good xD.


I'm not the best at vectors but here's something I did for school earlier this year xD


Poster design; fully vectored (resized version)~




I need to go out rather soon (again @_@) so will do the next request when I get back later tonight!


I would like for an image of Detestion. You are the artist so you can do whatever you want to! Just make sure it looks like him! :laughingsmiley:


@dcoolb: Please read the first post :)


@Angeló: Sorry for the long wait! I've been home late recently... @_@;; Your request took a while to finish thanks to the complexity (helmet especially) but here it is!




I didn't completely follow the design of every single item but hopefully it still looks like her ><;;


@dcoolb: Please read the first post :)


@Angeló: Sorry for the long wait! I've been home late recently... @_@;; Your request took a while to finish thanks to the complexity (helmet especially) but here it is!




I didn't completely follow the design of every single item but hopefully it still looks like her ><;;


oh wow !!




I'm IN LOVE !!! <3


thank you . thank you .. thank you so so so so so much !!!


definitely going on her description :)


I'd love a sketch of my dream, to have Krysha_20 as a Faerie Kougra. Here is a reference for clothing/background. Also, I would really like for the dress to not look so . . . puffy, if that makes sense


Anyway, I know you've got a ton of requests so take your time & I'm in no rush so it's okay :)


Oh sorry! Ok, I want Detestion then, including the skeleton casing and all, but can you make it so he is underwater and not in its natural pose. Kind of like this hishis.png like the tail is farther away.


@FTX: Oh dearie, you are too kind! I'm glad the expression doesn't look weird then @_@. :3 Peophins hold a special place in my heart, and especially since RG peos are my favourite of the lot, I can't help but go an extra mile to make it special ^^~ Hope you're feelin' the Peophin love!


@Angeló: >w< Np~ Go forth warrior queen! /salutes


@Syrin: Can do!


@dcoolb: Ah, I meant that you need to give me a reference picture or something for him? I'm terrible with backgrounds so I might just give the underwater thing a skip ><;;




Thinking of how to draw the adorable MSP @______@;;, might be a while before I think of something...

hissi.png Sorry that this isn't easy to look at! But I tried to outline the white bone pieces with black. The skull kind of failed to and I forgot to put blue for the eyes.

@dcoolb: ^^;; you just needed to give me the link to your pet/image of your pet actually... I'll see if I can do that, but don't get your hopes up ><;;




Sorry guys, I'm down with a terrible case of flu, and my fever is still kind of on and off DDDD:. Which means I can't do requests until I get better =/. So hope you guys don't mind waiting a while more @___________@;; Silly immune system of mine! :(


@dcoolb: ^^;; you just needed to give me the link to your pet/image of your pet actually... I'll see if I can do that, but don't get your hopes up ><;;




Sorry guys, I'm down with a terrible case of flu, and my fever is still kind of on and off DDDD:. Which means I can't do requests until I get better =/. So hope you guys don't mind waiting a while more @___________@;; Silly immune system of mine! :(


Hey you just focus on getting well. I can't speak for everybody, but I'm more than willing to wait. Getting over the flu is more important than doing a sketch or two :)


Sorry guys, I'm down with a terrible case of flu, and my fever is still kind of on and off DDDD:. Which means I can't do requests until I get better =/. So hope you guys don't mind waiting a while more @___________@;; Silly immune system of mine! :(


It's alright, I'm in no rush to get Ant's picture ^^ I can wait


I hope you get better soon! I had the same thing not to long ago! 2.png I feel so dumb for not understanding you! I posted the picture so whenever you can (I am more than willing to wait a year for it! Though I hope you get better sooner than that! XD).


That is an AWESOME pet dcoolb :woot: I would love to draw him, but he's definitely outside of my skill range...


Thanks! It only took me 657,200 NP to get him that way! I had two FFQ's and I used both on him!


Thanks for all the well wishes guys :wub_anim: ~ I wish I could say I've recovered/gotten better, but my fever just spiked to 39 degrees when I woke this morning -.-;;. Doesn't help that I've meetings daily for almost the rest of the week DDDD:. I've finished sketching Moriko's last night so I'll try to ink and colour it by tonight :)b~


@dcoolb: Got it :D And yes, that's a gorgeous pet @__________________@. And all under 1mil! You just reminded me that I need to get my hissi halloween clothes! xD


@queensorchadragon: Sorry dearie, my requests are on hold until I get better, or at least until I can guarantee I'll be able to finish the rest before school opens ><;;. You're free to spam me once I clear my backlog though! :yes:


@queensorchadragon: :3 thank you for understanding! Just a bad time for me to fall sick... :(




Fever went down so I managed to finish the next request!




I... Can't draw poogles @_@. Even for my old poogle, she was always sketched in her anthro form because my poogles always look... Odd. OTL



@Neoman: Do you happen to have a less cluttered picture of your cybunny? I can't really see her outfit save for her mask... @_@


Thankfully your fever went back down!!


Aww, I think the sketch is adorable! Thank you for finding the time to finish it :D I can't wait to move it to his page!


I hope that you fully recover soon, and I really appreciate it!~


Can you draw a Faerie aisha? It doesn't have customization, so i don't think you need a pic. (If you do, tell me)


Can you have it say "Settri"? That's it's name.


@Neoman: Do you happen to have a less cluttered picture of your cybunny? I can't really see her outfit save for her mask... @_@

I just got rid of the background and frame, is this good enough?



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