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Yeah! Unlocked my habitarium!


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My habitarium has been locked out for several weeks now with the watch-it-die glitch due to a stuck egg in the corner of y habitarium. Today I finally had some time to play around with the lock-out solutions suggested in another post and after plenty of playing around I finally got it to unlock, although it deleted all my resources and buildings that were out on the board. While the stuck egg is now gone, the square where it was located is still unavailable for placing items (shows an orange square when you try to drag something onto it) if my nesters are in the process of incubating. When the nesters are done and I remove the new eggs, however, I am able to place items on this square. Does anyone know how to fix the stuck square permanently? I don't want to get locked out again if that's what caused the problem in the first place!

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Congrats! I've had to unlock mine twice now with the merge method. I'm hoping they figure out the glitching bugs soon so TNT can release some new levels soon :)

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Congratulations for getting back your Habi!

Two of my Level 50 Habi neighbours are still unable to play Habitarium and the problem has lasted for months... :sad01_anim:

I am sorry to hear that all your resources and buildings are gone...Feel free to neomail me if you need any building or decoration. I have too many things in my item bag and I am willing to give them away. :)

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Congrats on getting back in!!! I was locked out for about 3 weeks.


As far as the "unusable" square goes, I've found that periodically I'd notice that it's available when my bag is open (no + in a circle to indicate something there) so I kept a building in my bag ready to go when I spotted it again. After that, I haven't moved it. I just use one of the hammers to fix it, as needed, since it's tucked away behind the flower. I don't think it was related to my lockout since I'd had a storage there for well over 2 months before the lockout and I've got a storage there again now.


I'm hoping they don't release any new levels soon either. My habi is my goldmine :yes:

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Just a question to the guys here, about how much NP do you get per day playing Habi at Level 50? And, how long does it take to get that money?


I tried playing Habi, but I found it troublesome to have to click on the gems to get the money. I'm not sure if I'm playing it right, but is there some way you can get the gems/NPs without having to be on the computer?


Because if I can't, I'd rather spend the time reselling stuff from the TP as I can get about 100k~ on a good day without even spending more than an hour on the computer.

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