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Violation Forgiveness


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So the other night I got an official warning because apparently I've created 10 or more posts with less than seven words.

I say "apparently" because my warning did not include the offensive posts, but since I was just warned for creating a less than seven word post, I can only assume.


The first few infractions were from when I first joined the forum. Then, over the months, I made a couple more. All of them were honest accidents.


I think if enough time has passed, like a few months, and someone has racked up at least a few hundred posts by then, that some of the early infractions should be forgiven. Like for good behavior. :)


Am I going to get banned from the forums over this? I'm trying my hardest to post at least seven words, but I find myself feeling paranoid and unhappy that I'm going to lose my account.

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The idea of a verbal warning is just like a heads-up. (It's a lot like the whole verbal/written warnings in the work place.) It's basically letting you know what's been going on, and that you need to be aware, and watch your posts.


I'll send you a PM to go more in-depth.

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but I think this is for the greater good of the forum :)


Sigh, I'm not challenging or debating the rules in any way. I'm just suggesting that maybe there could be forgiveness of old, accidental, minor slip-ups. :)

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I think so too ... and I'm not exactly sure I know how these forums work .. but maybe there's an automated system that lets the moderator know this person reached a certain limit, regardless of the timeline .. for example if you get a warning each 5 violations , u might have made 4 over 3 years .. and only 1 in the past week .. but the system would count them as 5 total ... I'm sure the moderators aren't counting these violations by hand using a pencil and a pad :D


:headset: we live in the Matrix


anyway I don't even know why I'm answering this .. it's not my place here ... *bows out*

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Trust me when I say this... it's near impossible to even get your warning level raised based on a few minor infractions. ;) Receiving a verbal warning is more of a friendly poke than anything else, and doesn't count significantly on your long term record. If you ever do receive a serious warning and have your warning level raised, you can follow the directions here to ask for a reduction.

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