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Lever of Doom Avatar


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This avatar seriously hated me. I spent quite a bit on it, on several different occasions. I hope it's easier for you. (My friend was the one that got me to try for it. She got it after spending a total of 1k on it.)

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I'm already up to 10k :worried:

Your friend was really lucky! Only 10 tries at it and she got it! I am convinced that all the random avvies don't like me either :sad01_anim: Still waiting on quite a few. I'm gonna be persistent though. Every week or so I'll go at if I don't get it with my 20k today (:

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if you get it in 20k, i will be very envious :laughingsmiley:


I probably spent a quarter mil on that thing xDD

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if you get it in 20k, i will be very envious :laughingsmiley:


I probably spent a quarter mil on that thing xDD


Dang! I barely have that in my bank! XD But I think I will put 20k in it! Going to try now! (Oh and thanks in advance groovyjenny for getting my sucked back into the NP sink known as the lever of doom!)

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<_< My 20k is gone and no avvie. Ah well, I tried! I'll give it another go next week or so. And sorry for getting you sucked back into the lever of doom dcoolb! Not my intentions! But yeah, it is a H-U-G-E neopoint sink! I had spent 200k trying to get the kelp avvie last week and STILL didn't get it and my neopet was "very bloated" :angry: One day though!

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This board inspires me to go try again. I get tired of the Coconut Shy cutting me off. Anybody else want to give it a shot this afternoon?

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How long did it take you, Angelo?


I have the feeling that it has to be done all at once, but it's probably not true. Still, I'm afraid that if I quit I'll lose my "progress," whatever that means.


PS Congrats, Cornflakes! I love my vending machine avatar.

Edited by Nika
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How long did it take you, Angelo?


there's no "progress" .. it's completely random .. it took me ,, mmm .. 3 years ? lol .. i played it for AGES .. spending 5-20k each time ...


then one day about a month ago I got it on my first pull ...

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I'm dropping another 100k on this today. At least the odds are better than Wheel of Excitement!




"You are now eligible to use 'Lever of Doom' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!"


GOT IT! It was so boring but 70k in I got it. In total it probably took about 100k... good luck to everybody!

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