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Jhudora's Revenge


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Plot: Four years after Jhudora's worst defeat, she is not only planning to regain her domain, she wants all of Neopia! The three pets, Robasia, Tirano, and Shylla, will have to face even more devastating challenges in order to overthrow Jhudora and save the world. The dark faerie has been scheming for a while, however, so she has many tricks up her sleeve. The neopets might need a little help on their adventures...


Since three pets obviously isn't enough to face Jhudora now, I'm allowing up to three more people to join in. It might be a good idea to take a look at the roleplay "Secret of Jhudora" before posting, so you have a little insight on the plot.


Character Form:








Name: Tirano

Species: Gelert

Color: Faerie

Gender: Female

Personality: Tirano loves to play games with her faerie neopet friends. She can be prone to landing herself in troublesome situations sometimes.


Name: Trixie

Species: Gelert

Color: Blue

Gender: Female

Personality: Trixie is the younger sibling of Tirano. She can be quite fiesty when threatened.


Tirano sat at home, playing with her younger sibling, Trixie. Since Trixie was the youngest of the pets, she always looked up to Tirano. "Tirano," she said, "can you tell me a story?" Tirano chuckled a little and began: "Okay, I'll tell you about what I once did." Trixie sat forward, eagerness in her eyes. "You remember the time I left home to go...exploring? I actually went all the way to Faerieland!" Trixie bounced up and down. "You see, I wanted to know what the faeries do. So I traveled across Kiko Lake, Meridell, and Brightvale, then flew the the clouds of the city." Perhaps, she thought, it's best not to scare her with all the details.

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Personality: More mature then he was. His mushroom pasion has escalatted.






Personality: He has long sea blue claws that he uses to sink into the ground when he gets angry.



Robasia was standing outside Tirano's door with an unfalmiliar blue Eyrie standing unwarily behind him. "Dad! My assignment was to go to the front lines of the fight against the Auburn Danger! Not have a tea party with your friend!" The blue Eyrie had recently joined the Armed Forces to boost his Community Service grade. His first assignment was to go and battle the Auburn Danger. He had planned for his dad to drive him to the airport so that he could be flown to Terror Mountain. "Falvair! Close it! I need to talk to Tirano because of suspicious Jhudora-related activity! I know your assignment was to fight this AD, but I really need to talk to Tirano!" Robasia extnded a hand and rang the doorbell;

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"Faerieland is a beautiful place, Trixie. You could lie on the clouds all day without falling--" Tirano heard the sound of the doorbell. "Sorry, Trixie, I have to get the door." Trixie smiled and waited patiently. Tirano opened the door. "Robasia? Is that you?" Trixie walked up to him. "Mommy said not to talk to strangers, Tirano." She bent down and whispered, "It's okay, I know him." Tirano faced Robasia. "What brings you here?"

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"First, let me introduce my son Falvair: Falvair, Tirano." "What's up." Falvair mumbled. "Suspicios Jhudora activity focused around Terror Mountain. Infact, on a research mission, my wife Marmoke went missing. Purple/green smoke has been spoted coming out of a cave on a high peak."

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Tirano bit her lip and looked at Trixie. "Listen, I need to go for a while. Can you be safe here on your own?" Trixie looked like she was on the verge of crying. "It's okay, Trixie. I'll be back before you even miss me. Okay? You have your dolls to play with over there." Trixie looked at the corner and pulled her tears back. "Okay," she wispered. Tirano faced Robasia. "Let's talk outside."

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Robasia stepped aside to let Tirano outside and closed the door. "Okay. Falvair, tell her what you know:" "Whatever. Ok, when I was assigned to go to Terror Mountain, they gave me little information, but they did give me some: The Auburn Danger is a faerie. I just don't know which kind."

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"So, you say that Jhudora is roaming around the mountains somewhere?" Tirano thought a moment. "Who assigned you to go to Terror Mountain? And the Auburn Danger? Is that all you figured out?"

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"Well, um... My Commander has been kept annonymous for safety reasons, and I'm on a mission to gather information in the first place." Falvair looked at his shoes. "I'm afraid that's all we know." Robasia looked at Tirano. "Should we find Shylla?"

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((I say, tadaa! Shylla is in the house!))


Name: Shylla

Species: Wocky

Color: Grey

Gender: Female

Personality: Kinda lonely. She has become one of the most known neopet in Neopia Central. She still wishes she had a family, but she doesn't want to lose them like she lost her parents.


Shylla sat in one of the largest houses in Neopia Central, of course, her house. Shylla walked to her favorite part of the courtyard, the center of a maze. She just sat there, thinking of her adventures, longing for something to do.

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Tirano nodded. "Most definately. If this is true, we need to find her as soon as possible." Trixie burst through the door, crying her head off. "Don't leave me alone!" She ran up to Tirano and held her tightly. "Please, sweetheart, I have to do this without you. I can't explain it now, but it'll be dangerous if you come with me. Go back in the house." Trixie reluctanly inched back to the house, and Tirano walked away. "Oops, hold on a second. I have to get my bag. We'll need supplies." She ran over and picked up her back, then went back to Robasia's side. "Let's go."

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"Are you really going to leave her here all alone? Wait a second." Robasia flipped open his cellphone. "Hello? Yes. Now. Trace me on the GPS." Robasia froze for a second then turned to Tirano. "Ok. Let's go. I'm done." Robasia walked down the front walk and started down the street, Falvair followed.

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"Trixie is brave enough, even if she doesn't realize it. I've locked the door and left plenty of food and toys for her to play with. She'll be fine." I hope. Tirano followed Robasia through Neopia Central. "So, where do you think Shylla could be right now? She does live here, right?"

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Shylla started to walk through the garden. She came to the fountain with the orb in the middle of it. I remember that orb....i got it from Jhudora....still looks great in the center of the garden.

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"Perfect. I knew you wouldn't let me down. She looked around. "She's in that house, right?" Tirano pointed to a rather large house down the street.

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Shylla watched the crystal ball. All of a sudden, it shone with bright intensity. Woh.....thats weird... Shylla walked a little. She saw a tiny microchip in the ground. It was beeping. Ug, I know what that is. It's a tracker. Time to squash the bug. Shylla smashed the chip.

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She arrived at the front door of the house and rang the doorbell. Tirano felt a little buzz in the back of her head, but shook it away. Come on Shylla, answer the door. She waited patiently for Shylla to answer, then rang again.

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Shylla heard the faint doorbell. She walked to the door and opened it. "It's soooooo nice to see you!" Her best friend from a few years ago, Tirano, was at the door.

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Outside Tirano's house, a gust of wind blew fast the front porch and an old brown Lupe appeared on Tirano's front porch. "Well, this is the place." The lupe said and rang the doorbell.


"Hi Shylla, it's nice to see you again!" Robasia said as he walked up to Shylla's front porch. "This is my son Falvair," Robasia introduced the annoyed blue Eyrie to Shylla.

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No answer came from Tirano's house.


Tirano smiled. "It is good to see you again, Shylla. I'd love to catch up on things, but Falvair here has some important info. Falvair?"

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The lupe rang the doorbell again, when no reply came she opened the door and stuck her head in, "Trixie? Are you here?" The lupe walked all the way into the house and found the living room. "Trixie! Are you here?" She walked into the room to find Trixie spraled out on the carpet, blood trailing from her mouth. "TRIXIE! Are you okay? Oh gosh, this is bad!" The knealed down next to Trixie, "She's not breathing!" The lupe picked up her phone and dialed as fast as she could. "Robasia! Tirano needs to get here! NOW!" "Tirano, we need to get back to your house immediatley." Robasia turned to Falvair, "Get to Tirano's house and find out what's up." Falvair turned and ran as fast as he could down the street.

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