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I think the other CC entries are cheating !!


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I think that the user who is closest to me (vote-wise) in the CC is cheating in the Caption Contest. Every time I get ahead of him by 2 or 3 votes , he immediately jumps up by 4 or 5 ... I think he's voting for himself from his sides. He also stalks my (and other) boards saying we're "breaking the rules" and threatens to report me ... even though I'm only rating avatars , pets and lookups ... or giving BC votes (and not asking for CC votes in return - those who vote for me do it cuz they want to) ... :grrr: and I keep forgetting to screenie his harassment ...


I'm sorry I made a new board about the CC but I'm really annoyed with this guy .. it doesn't matter now because I won't be in the top 3 (those are ahead by at least 100 votes and I have no idea how they did it) ... but I want to rub this guy's nose into the ground ... :evil:

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:( At least you know you have real people voting for you, and you have good friends here that continue to vote for you every 4 hours. If this guy has to cheat to win, he's truly a loser. :)


And you may want to remove that person's username before you get in trouble for harassment.

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i'll remove his name ... but does TNT read this forum ? :mellow:


Idk, but mad people come on here all the time and start fights because they saw their username on google. Better safe than sorry, that's my motto.

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Well I'm going to keep voting for you every four hours so hopefully that will get your count up!


Next time he harasses you make sure to send a ticket, I hate people like that!!!!!


Maybe it's worth sending a ticket anyway to let them know what's going on, and that you suspect him of cheating. I've started to report people now when I think someone's cheating, it's completely unfair for everyone else who plays by the rules!


I saw a userlookup from the top scorers in Kass Basher, and the person has been playing for a month and has about 20 gold trophies, and every one of his game scores is grand master, apart from a couple which I'm guessing you can't use a program for. I HATE CHEATERS!!!!!

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That sucks. D: Definitely start reporting that guy next time it happens. I'll start voting for you every four hours (instead of just when I see your board bumped on the New Content section xD) and I'll have my friend vote for you (as I cannot vote on my sides, because TDN members don't roll that cheating way). But that's still an extra two votes every two hours, and that dude shall have his come-uppance! COME-UPPANCE, I SAY.

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I too will start voting for you every few hours. Did you ever suspect that he might think your doing the same thing that you think he is? Perhaps he has friends on other fan sites voting for him too, or maybe it's his way to get even with you because he thinks your cheating. Sorry if this is obviously not the case, I don't have a completely clear understanding of the scenario.

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Airotia and Han2070 ... thank you guys so much ... and Rachel and Shannon and every one else on TDN really <3


if I win this ... I'm gonna have a huge party here on TDN lol !!


275 votes so far!


and I haven't been advertising since the afternoon :D

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thanks Jenny but the contest is over and I got 4th place overall .. and I beat that guy ha ha ha :)


I was about 35 votes away from 3rd and gold trophy ... but it's ok ... maybe next time ;)


*still waiting for neomail from TNT*

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