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So, what are you listening to now?


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School library noise, which there is surprisingly a lot of. (That was horrible syntax.) Keys of the computers behind me, a few people talking a little louder than they should be, the librarian flipping through papers...

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Public libraries sound very different from school libraries.


Same as before; library sounds.


There's a cute nerd sitting a few tables away. =P He's my friend's brother. Their entire family is adorable, in my opinion. :yes:

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You haven't? o_0 Well, school libraries are a bit noisier because there are kids as opposed to the generally more responsible adults in the public library. And there are more computers because there are often a lot of kids that need to do research and stuff. The librarians either know you and smile at you and give you breaks from the printing cost (10 cents per sheet) or don't know you and treat you like you're just another stupid kid. (I'm known and get breaks from printing cost ;) )


A far noisier school library than shortly before. It's getting closer to dismissal, so kids are getting restless.

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