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So, what are you listening to now?

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(Katy, go post on the HOP. There's something I need to say that isn't listening-related. :shiftyeyes_anim: )

Is it playing the same station, or two different stations? The latter would be cacophonous.


Again, the general silence. And the keys. And Silver snoring.


I posted. xD Two different stations, but the rooms are far enough apart that if you went in one of the rooms with the radio you wouldn't hear the other.



Okay, that's a little better. Not so cacophonous. :yes:


My stomach is grumbling, which is weird, because I just ate.


Yeah, and one of them is off now.


I haven't eaten yet. -listens to stomach- Oh well. I will in a couple hours.


No One-Alicia Keys


This song got realllllly overplayed.


I hate when songs get overplayed. Especially really good ones that just get really annoying because you hear them so much.


Silver is still snoring quite loudly, and my tummy is still grring at me.


I am again listening to my Psychology teacher drone on about psychological diseases/syndromes/conditions.


I am listening to the distant, distorted tune of a Christmas song. The cats must be sitting on the Christmas box again.

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