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So, what are you listening to now?


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Hmm that may be helpful for you, but I never stay up for that long. Unless, something different is happening with my schedule...


I'm really not listening to anything right now.... weird.

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Love Story - Taylor Swift


Okay, yeah. Don't freak out because little Miss Punk Rock Laura over here likes country music. Becuase that's how all my friends react, and it ticks me off.



I like metal, but then sometimes you'll end up seeing me listen to jingle cats or classical or something.


Song = hall of the mountain king

and not the version youd think of, it's this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf2aIVKp1OY


Freaking amazing.

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I love that song. It was my ringtone for a while.


Don't Trust Me - 3OH!3


Okay... so it's not like my normal music, and it's not country. I have no clue how to describe them, other than they are awesome.

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I listen to everything. Most kids in my school only listen to hip hop or pop (Hey that rhymes!), so they give me weird looks when my ipod blares punk or trance right after a rap song. It's kinda funny how close minded they are when it comes to music. The next time I get my hands on a computer I'm getting some Jimi Hendrix.


But for now I'm just listening to the fan in my room,

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