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So, what are you listening to now?

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Human by The Killers.


love them lots :) I like Sam's Town album the best i think.....or their first one....to hard of a decision!!


Let's see...a little while ago I was listening to the Star Wars theme [i'm playing Lego Star Wars]. Now...I am listening to...


Band: Disturbed

Song: Indestructible

Album: Indestructible




At this current moment i am listening to Deceiver by Disturbed. I love Disturbed. My girlfriend loves them too, so it's all good. Now it is Criminal by the same band lol


Currently listening to Propane Nightmares by Pendulum. I downloaded this album (In Silico) and another one (Hold Your Colour) a couple of days ago and I'm totally hooked on this song.

It is currently the perfect soundtrack to my imagination :)


Tigra xx


I'd better get back into this topic, hadn't I? I'm currently listening to nothing. Not really.. I'm listening to me cutting up my veg (that I'm being forced to eat).

I'm listening to more of my coughing and some of my heated delusions.


As in, I'm too hot, so I'm becoming a bit delusional. *goes to take off two pairs of pants and extra t-shirt*

drink something cold, like ice water, lemonade, gadorade, whatever, cool yourself off from the inside too.


Band = Nine Inch Nails

Album = Closer to God

Song = Closer (Precursor)


no, the girl they were having the intervention for was at least 5 years too old to be you.


Band = Nine Inch Nails (really only trent reznor though XD )

Album = Every Day Is Exactly the Same [EP]

Song = Every Day Is Exactly the Same


Holding the fast forward button if sounds hilarious


the next song is "The Hand That Feeds [DFA Mix]"


Enough by Disturbed. I love Disturbed so much lol "When your heart is broken a thousand times..."

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