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The old topic was inactive for over 21 days, so i made a new one. what are your weird, odd habits? mine:


- I must always lock my bathroom door, even if i just go in to wash my hands.

- I must always have the kitchen light switch up=on and down=off.

- I must always finish first on work and such, i freak out if i don't. :P

- I must always check the missed calls and who is calling on the phone.


So what are yours?


If all my nails aren't equal length, they must be cut -- not filed, because the filing noise makes me want to throw up.

When I'm alone in the house, I pace around and talk to myself.

When I pace, I always check to make sure the front and backdoor are locked as I go by them.

My desktop (on my computer) is kept EXTREMELY NEAT. Only one row of icons, no shortcuts. Just folders and whatever text document or drawing thingy I happen to be working on at the time.


And I used to do the same freaking out if you didn't finish first thing, on classwork and such. :O


Haha I do everything that both you guys mentioned and more! Does that make me a total freak hehe?


I also can think of a song and usually start singing in response to any situation. Plus I talk to my cats. Not in english though, in meows. I believe we communicate very well. :whistle:


My weird habits are:

-I can't sleep or do any type of work without some ambient noise in the background, like a fan, the TV in the background or some music.

-If I have a pencil that has a really good eraser but is shorter than it should be, I either break the pencil in half or cut off parts of the eraser. (This is exactly why I use pens or mechanical pencils most of the time.)

-Before I brush my teeth before I dress for school and before I go to bed, I have to be wearing my pajamas.

-All of my nails have to be the same length. If one of them is shorter than the others, they all get cut.

-If (and when) I check my websites in the morning, I usually do it in some sort of order- Subeta first, JNF/TDNF second, dA/Tumblr/Twitter near the end. Something like that. :P


- I cannot stand having my nails a "normal" length. They must be extremely short for me to feel okay about them.

- Regardless of me taking a shower at night, or anything, I MUST take a shower in the morning in order to start my day. Otherwise I never really "wake up" and I feel disgusting all day.

- I have weird sitting habits: on spinny computer chairs, I always sit cross-legged. At dining room tables where I feel comfortable and at home, I will sit in a kneeling sort of position, with my feet under my bum.

- Any time that I look at a clock and it is 2pm or 10pm my time, I think of the Snowager and how I could probably be getting the avvie right then if I had access to a computer. (True story, but never happens at 6am.)

- If I talk on the phone while lying on my side, I WILL fall asleep.

- I always have to finish first on tests.


There's a few:)

  • 4 months later...

I feel the need to wash my hands after touching the ground, dirty things, my brother and sister's hands (Cause they should know betterthan to not wash them, but they still don't), putting trousers on, putting socks and shoes on - yes, I'm really scared of germs. :sick02:


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I have my files so organized on my computer. I am serious. You click on pictures and then it goes into backgrounds, icons or other pictures. Then on background it goes into animals, nature, TV, and other. Then in Animals I have like hooved animals, cats, dogs, ect, ect, and in dogs it says domesticated dogs, wild dogs and then in wild dogs it goes into wolves, coyotoes and such. I am OCD about organization. It would take me hours to describe what goes into each folder. Considering my Wolf folder is split into Grey wolves, red wolves, Ethiopian wolves and maned wolves.


I put peanut button on my oreos.


I have to watch Criminal Minds at least once a day to keep me sane.


When I wear clothes my colours have to match and so does my make up. For example, today I am wearing a red shirt, black pants. My tie is black with white polka dots. My fish nets are red. My flats are black and my make up is black and white. Freak much? My earrings also match. *cough*


If I date someone they must be at least 1 year older than me and taller than me.


I always tilt my head when I'm confused.


If I listen to music I always have my headphones in even if they're not attached to anything. Seriously. I listen to the stereo in my house and put my iPod headphones in. No clue why.


When I read words or say words in my head I count the letters.


I always close the drain on the bathtub so nothing can crawl out. *shivers*


I always add up the numbers on the clock.


I eat pudding with a straw. It's hard.


I paint my nails just so I can pick the polish off when I'm nervous.



I'm weird. And that was a lot more than I meant. I have a bazillion more weird habits but I'll sto pfor now. :P


My weird habits that I have are:


-Monologue to myself in Japanese(and voiced like the characters inside me)

-Collecting stuff that most people would dispose (ex: sporks)

-Clipping nails even though they're quite short, since I would bite them.

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