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layout coding

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I am making a little layout thing for a website, and I need some help (hence the topic :P ) this is the URL to what I have so far








and I need to find a way to keep the text in the middle white part so it doesnt go into the gray areas on the side. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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To align Text: (change center to left, right, or center)

<div align=center>TEXT HERE</div>


I would use this code:

Scrolling Textbox: like on my lookup

<div style="position:absolute; top:5;left:30;height:300;width:150;overflow:auto;">TEXT HERE</div>

You would have to adjust the numbers though ;) I put them generally in the right space

Hope i could help!

PS: YOu have nice Shenkuu plot thing going on your site Nice! :yes:

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