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The topic title pretty much says it all.


I have a Wii (I've never really played any of the other seventh-gen systems), and I hear so many complaints about how it "isn't as good" as [Xbox 360 or PS3, depending on the person] or that it is (or like) a toy.


Personally, I do think it could be better; especially the Internet... but it isn't that bad.


What do you think?


Hope this is in the right section...


I have one. the only thing I was irritated about was the fact that they produced a red one right after I bought mine!!


but, to be honest, I'm not that big on gaming. I have two actual games (Spyro and Harry Potter), then the Wii Fit Plus, Just Dance 2 and Gold Gym's Dance Workout. I think it's kinda obvious that I use mine mostly for exercise =)


Power wise, the Wii is inferior to the 360 and the PS3. It's also lower when it comes to graphics, online play, ect. Thing is Nintendo has always marched to the beat of it's own drum, so to speak, so the Wii wasn't really ment to get into all that. I'll admit they could have done more with what they have, but the Wii was ment to innovate gaming, and it did that. You'll note that, however further along the PS3 and 360 are in a lot of really popular areas, the Wii had motion controls first and they followed. I'd say the only thing that really held the Wii back is the rather sad game lineup. Nintendo is notoriously bad about letting third-party devlopers in on their systems (something that they seem to be remedying with their Wii 2 or whatever they'll call it that's to be shown off at E3), and it has suffered for it. However, Nintendo has shown itself good at learning from it's mistakes and good at listening to it's consumers. So with any luck we'll have a really nice new console from them soon, something with the good points of the Wii and new things that bring it up to par with the PS3 and 360, with a spiffy first- and third-party line-up avalible at launch.


Hm, that was mildly tangential. In short, I do not hate the Wii, thoguh if definitely could have been better.


I had a Wii for a while... But the games weren't to good and there were so many messups and glitches to it that I got rid of it for a Kinect which is better and if you just use your Wii for exercise, the kinect game: Your Shape Fitness Evolved is a way better game to do so. Also it allows you to command your xbox which is quite neat. So I say the Xbox 360 with the Kinect is better in every way.


I had a Wii for a while... But the games weren't to good and there were so many messups and glitches to it that I got rid of it for a Kinect which is better and if you just use your Wii for exercise, the kinect game: Your Shape Fitness Evolved is a way better game to do so. Also it allows you to command your xbox which is quite neat. So I say the Xbox 360 with the Kinect is better in every way.


I've never owned anything from the Xbox family, but I have watched a few friends play Dance Central on the Kinect. it seems interesting, but a bit out of my price range for the moment.


the reason I really enjoy my Wii Fit is because of the balance board. 1. I don't have very good balance to begin with, so I like having this to help me out. 2. I appreciate it even more now that I've started doing the Yoga, since it ends up showing you the ideal amount of pressure to use on certain moves. knowing myself, I would have ended up doing the poses completely wrong if I didn't have the balance board to teach me =)


but maybe someday I'll buy myself a Kinect. of course, it probably won't be for a long time... I just barely bought my Wii last summer :P


I like the Wii, and not because it's the only console I've got. I suppose it depends on what games you get for it, and what uses you have; at the moment, I'm largely using it for BBC iPlayer and playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Transer. I actually prefer using the former service on the Wii rather than at the computer if I'm catching up with a TV show (i.e. Doctor Who), caus it's just like watching the show on the TV but at a later time (or an alternative and slightly more limited Sky+, if you want). Besides, I always get distracted on the computer, so it's better if I use the iPlayer via the Wii, caus then I'll actually pay attention.


I haven't played my Wii in quite a while, and I don't loathe it.

It does get tiring with all of the motion games the Wii has to offer by the way.


I've got a friend with a wii and so I've played a few games on it but I'm really not a fan. I really dislike the controls and the sort of games that come out on it? Not for me unfortunately. I wouldn't exactly say I hate the wii but I'll never buy one. At home I've got an xbox 360, a dreamcast and my beloved ps1 (and obviously a pc).


Yes, I do enjoy the Wii. I just wish I had more time to play it. A lot of the times I end up playing it alone too, since no one in my house really plays video games, and it isn't fun when everyone would rather watch something on TV than me playing Mario Kart or Guitar Hero. Because of that, I usually end up in my room with my DS instead.


What I don't really get is when people complain about the motion stuff. The two games I mentioned above can be played perfectly fine with a static controller and with your bum on the couch. There's plenty of stuff on the Virtual Console section of the Wii Shop that is specifically designed for the Classic Controller that they sell, which can easily be replaced with a Gamecube controller (which I also frequently use for SSBB). Granted, I'm sure there are games I haven't bought that require the player to use the motion capabilities, but that's their marketing problem and not the Wii's.


I have yet to buy an Xbox or Playstation because, seriously, how many differently named shooter games can one person buy? I've tried Gears of War and Halo at other people's houses, and I can't aim for my life. That reminds me of something else too, which is I don't buy games often enough to finish one and start the next one. No, I have to get games that will have high re-playability that'll last me until Christmas or my birthday, and those games never end up being shooters. They're usually titles that are offered by Nintendo like their myriad mini game selections and their first party regulars like Mario, Link, and Pokemon. Yeah.


I like the wii, however, it is collecting dust too. ;3

I bought it when it first came out because I was really intrigued but now it isn't as cool as it used to be especially with kinect for xbox 360 and of course that thing for PS3. I dont know!


I actually really like the Wii. XD All the games I've tried playing I'm relatively good at... I think the huge difference comes from people who are actually used to regular controllers. Most of my other games I've played on the computer, so I rarely use controllers anyhow. It's not a huge stretch for me as much as people who are used to say, PS3 or Xbox controllers.


Plus all of the games have a good replayability. =3 Dancing games, sports games, Mario and all those are loads of fun to keep playing here and there. xD


I like the Wii quite a bit! I'm not a big gamer - I think I only own about 5 or 6 games. I like playing things like Just Dance, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart. I like the exercise games when I don't have time to get to the gym. I've played the Kinect and I really like how it is controller-less - means you can't try to cheat in the dance games like one of my friends does with the wii!


I don't mind it, but it's probably my last choice of game concolse to play. I prefer things with controllers, and the Wii is just basically swinging around a remote...

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