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Hi there, I'm Kolya. I've been playing Neopets for about 9 years, although I took a year or two off. Lately, I've become a bit addicted to it again as it occupied most of my childhood and I have a lot of good memories with it. I adore TDN but am kind of new to the forums (joined them a while ago but never posted too much). Sooo, just thought I'd post and say hello. :)

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Welcome to TDN Koyla. :) I'm Spritzie.


I think Neopets seems to be on/off for many. I've been on Neopets for 9 years, and I'd play heavily, then forget about it for a good amount of time, then come back, and repeat.

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Hey Spritzie, nice to meet you. :) Yeah, I suppose that's true. As great as the site is, I doubt it can hold anyone's attention thoroughly for 9-10 straight years. XD By the way, your signature is really gorgeous.

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I agree. I think the longest I went, playing pretty much daily, was 3 years. (I'm at about 2 years, daily, right now.)


Thank you :D A friend of mine here at TDN made it for me.

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When I was a kid, I was extremely addicted to it for about six years, when I would go on nearly every day. Looking back on it, I guess I was a sad kid, haha. But it's almost like a security blanket at this point. You can always come back to it when you need something to do.


Ah, well that person is very talented. I always admire graphics makers (it seems a lot of them learned the trade through Neopets alone) because it's such a difficult thing to learn. I tried to make my own signature last night and I donno, Photoshop isn't really my forte. XD

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I got into Neopets when I was sick in HS. It kept me busy when I didn't feel up to doing much else. Now though, I'm enjoying it more than ever. I play it at work, because I work long shifts with a LOT of down time.


I do too. I'm graphically challenged. I've never even tried, but I always love seeing people's work.

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Yeah, definitely. I used to play at work as well (always hoping no one was looking over my shoulder because I was a bit embarrassed about it) but unfortunately I had to resign from that job. What kind of work do you do, if you don't mind my asking?


I tried following tutorials and such and know the program pretty well...I guess I just don't have the creativity to do anything spectacular. Kind of a shame.

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:laughingsmiley: My entire team and manager knows I play. (We're allowed to do whatever we want, within reason, as long as our work is done.) I work for a computer company, monitoring the backups. It's a 24/7 job, so I'm here for 12 hours. That works nicely for getting games played and NP earned.


I've never had graphics programs. I leave that to the professionals. :laughingsmiley: My best friend used to make me tons of avatars of all sorts of things, celebs, pictures from vacations, my pets.

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Haha, that's really awesome. I would love to have a job like that, as I'm sitting in front of a computer during most of my free time anyway.


It's also cool that you have friends and such that will make things for you. :) I think I need to try a little harder and see if I can come up with anything. I'd love to attempt making my own lookup or something but then there's the whole issue of having to code it...

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Hi there Kolya! ^-^


I agree that neopets can get rather addicting..But I find myself not playing much of the games xD

But I'm still online at the same time, but watching anime =X




glad that you found this forum useful ^^,


im 26 years old, and my siblings, my officemates also know i play neopets..

its not something you should be embarassed with ^_^

its fun, and all the pet, petpet, and p3 are cute. who can resist cuteness *big eyes stare*



I once told my friends I was playing neopets, and one of the guys said "Neopets is so old, it should have been dead" =/

I got kinda offended by his statement. I don't know if he was just trying to cut into the conversation, or he really meant it, but some people can be so rude.


Though saying that, I have another friend that still plays neopets too! Though he goes more often into MIA mode than I do =X

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glad that you found this forum useful ^^,


im 26 years old, and my siblings, my officemates also know i play neopets..

its not something you should be embarassed with ^_^

its fun, and all the pet, petpet, and p3 are cute. who can resist cuteness *big eyes stare*


Aw, well, that's good to know. :D I'm sure I will still be playing when I'm 26 as it's held my attention this long. You're right, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. We should all be kids at hearts, growing old is not for me anyway.


Hi there Kolya! ^-^


I agree that neopets can get rather addicting..But I find myself not playing much of the games xD

But I'm still online at the same time, but watching anime =X


I once told my friends I was playing neopets, and one of the guys said "Neopets is so old, it should have been dead" =/

I got kinda offended by his statement. I don't know if he was just trying to cut into the conversation, or he really meant it, but some people can be so rude.


Though saying that, I have another friend that still plays neopets too! Though he goes more often into MIA mode than I do =X


Hey! I'm not good at most of the games, just a few that I play daily. I really just don't have the patience for them. And I know what you mean, I'm usually online trying to multi-task, albeit not very well.


Yeah, I guess I only found it embarrassing because people seem to have crappy attitudes towards people over 20, or well, I guess like 17, playing a children's game. Don't really know why, though.

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Aw, well, that's good to know. :D I'm sure I will still be playing when I'm 26 as it's held my attention this long. You're right, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. We should all be kids at hearts, growing old is not for me anyway.




Hey! I'm not good at most of the games, just a few that I play daily. I really just don't have the patience for them. And I know what you mean, I'm usually online trying to multi-task, albeit not very well.


Yeah, I guess I only found it embarrassing because people seem to have crappy attitudes towards people over 20, or well, I guess like 17, playing a children's game. Don't really know why, though.



Yea! Who says games are only for kids! Kids can't pay you know.... xD

We can all grow older but still remain young at heart! =D Does great for the skin I heard xD *shot*


I actually find these type of people are either attention-seekers or have some kind inferiority complex that they have to undermine other people in order to raise their own ego or something. I don't know, I tend to roll eyes and ignore them xD


But then...children games are fun! =X Who wants to always play games that squeeze every brain juice out of them..Well, not me anyway. I tend to like brainless games where it's either this or that. Doesn't kill so many brain cells =X Must be the reason why I still don't have much np D=


So let's enjoy ourselves and ignore those people! Hahaha.....

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Yea! Who says games are only for kids! Kids can't pay you know.... xD

We can all grow older but still remain young at heart! =D Does great for the skin I heard xD *shot*


I actually find these type of people are either attention-seekers or have some kind inferiority complex that they have to undermine other people in order to raise their own ego or something. I don't know, I tend to roll eyes and ignore them xD


But then...children games are fun! =X Who wants to always play games that squeeze every brain juice out of them..Well, not me anyway. I tend to like brainless games where it's either this or that. Doesn't kill so many brain cells =X Must be the reason why I still don't have much np D=


So let's enjoy ourselves and ignore those people! Hahaha.....


Haha, definitely. Neopets was originally made for college kids anyway, who's to say that there's an age limit on it??

XDD Well, smiling and having fun does definitely have good effects on your health, so whatever. We're staying healthy by playing Neopets! /that's my reasoning anyway


You're probably right. We all have some quote and quote embarrassing hobby that we turn to when we need to stifle our boredom. It's not cool to bash someone else's coping mechanism. x_x


I agree. They have no place here. c:

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Greetings Kolya, I'm Neomysterion, the first, last, and only.

I have also been on Neopets for nine years, and I am the official Greatest Neopet Ever Tournament holder.

Welcome to the forums, and there are more fine veterans waiting to be met.

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Greetings Kolya, I'm Neomysterion, the first, last, and only.

I have also been on Neopets for nine years, and I am the official Greatest Neopet Ever Tournament holder.

Welcome to the forums, and there are more fine veterans waiting to be met.


Nice to meet you, Neomysterion. I'm glad to see others who have played this long. (: What exactly is this tournament?

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What exactly is this tournament?


The Greatest Neopet Ever Tournament is something I hold at the games section of the forum, I am also doing this at another Neopets fan forum as well, where they have twice as many voters. This tournament is to see which Neopet will stand out and become top dog of Neopia.

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