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Ok, so I tried using thedailyneopet's constaition finder. I don't know how it works. Then I was like :grrr: I nead help!

What issue do you have with the constellation finder specifically? Is it not giving you any results? It should just be a matter of pasting your star data, clicking the button, and scrolling to the corresponding coordinates in the telescope.


If you're unfamiliar with the X-Y coordinate system, this diagram should help you.




You can mouse over stars to see their coordinates.


go to jellyneo and use theirs, much easier.


just click the stardata link, select all of that text on that page, copy it, and paste.

I used Jellyneo's guide to help me with the plot.

Anybody care to explain the difference between their finder and ours? Apart from the fact that TDN's finder does not require a page reload, and hence works much faster for people with slow internet connections? :)

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