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Is it against Neopets TaC to..


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Is it against Neopets Terms and Conditions to use the referral links on websites and chatrooms? I mean, to advertise it in places and ask people to sign up? I'm farming neopoints and I just can't seem to get enough, and those referral rewards are oh so tempting, but not tempting enough to lose my account over. So, if I were to advertise the refer link, could I get frozen? :guiltysmiley:



I'm new to forums, I don't usually post in them on ANY sites, but I can't seem to find the answer to this question anywhere, so I'm desperate. I'm lazy and didn't want to read through the entire TaC to find this, I've skimmed it previously and don't recall any info on referrals. I ctrl F'd it for reassurance before asking, and there was nothing about referrals. So, I hope I'm not being a bother in asking here or violating this sites terms. Apologies if I do! Please and thanks in advance for answers. <3

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You are free and welcome to advertise your referal link anywhere on the web :P

If Neopets is rewarding you with prize, it is for the reason that they want you to speak about their site so they can gain more users ;) You will not get frozen for advertising Neopets off site. However, you cannot direct anyone from Neopets to a place outside Nickledeon Virtual Worlds and Neopets' official Facebook account.

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Thanks for the answers guys! I know it must've sounded silly of me asking about this. It should be obvious that they give the prizes for a reason. Although, I wasn't sure if it was a girl scout cookie deal, ya know, Sell all you want as long as it's not to strangers. :P

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