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Habitarium Gifts


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Okies, I've been collecting materials over night just so I can make easy NP.

I currently have a little over 140,000 resources of each material and decided instead of making more Level 3 storages, I'll just gift people who wants/needs certain buildings, decorations, supplies.

So go ahead add me and then post in this thread or Neomail what item you would like.

Remember, I can only gift to you once everyday.

Neofriends who raid me will be removed Dx

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A great way to get rid of resources is just to build nests, upgrade them, and then delete them from your bag. I do this because I don't have any neofriends who actually need items. (Plus this is easier than adding random people and having to worry if they're going to raid or not...) I think it's great that you would rather use your resources to help people, but if no one requests help you don't have to feel bad about building just to discard. :whistle:

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I don't want to just make buildings and such just to destroy them.

Anyways was able to help out my guild instead xD;

Now gifting 60+ people a day oh well, gives me something to do ahaha.

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What a generous offer! I'm not a big player of Habi and have only a few 3Ps, 1 store, 2 nests and a house.

My biggest problem is gathering enough grass to use for buying the corn fragments. :laughingsmiley:

Omg, exact same thing with me! LOL Why is it grass that always runs out so quickly? O.o

I'm now just starting to get into a routine with gathering, but then I had a sleepover, and my P3s kinda died /: I only have one soldier now, lol

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